-a battle's ending-

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Me and Peeta went back home. Neither of us have anything left, so we went where we had something - Dad. We arrived several months ago and Katniss and Gale came too. But, they soon discovered that they weren't done fighting their battles and Gale became a general in District 2. Last I heard, her mom was living with them and Katniss was a drill sergeant. They had a quiet wedding (really they just eloped) pretty much as soon as the war ended. I guess it was a long time coming.

I made up with her when she first came. Turns out we were both in the same boat. Stressed out, upset, and frankly - jealous. I call her a lot and she always picks up.

Peeta has taught me how to make biscuits and now they are a daily thing. He's constantly baking, I go out and garden, and Dad drinks. And then when he runs out, he takes care of the geese and cows and chickens until the next train of supplies comes out. Luckily, the trains are regular and the animals don't need much help.

A couple hundred people followed us out. They're out tilling and farming instead of coal mining and I think they like it a lot better. People seem happier than they were before. The town has started coming up again. It makes Peeta happy - really happy.

We got married last month. It had elements of 12 and 4 in it and my dad walked me down the aisle. Beetee officiated it and Annie was my Maid of Honor, with Parker, Johanna, and Katniss as my bridesmaids. Parker had her son a couple weeks ago. We went to see him and he's beautiful. He looks just like his dad. He has those same sea green eyes and sandy blonde hair. I'm so happy for her. Peeta and I moved into his old Victory House and made it our own. I have a gorgeous garden outside with daisies and primroses - Peeta thought of that. Katniss cried when she saw it.

We began writing a book about everyone who died for the revolution: Finnick, Cinna, Jackson, Castor, Cato, Rue, Prim. We'll put a picture of them or Peeta will paint it and I will write the best parts of them. I call their families and ask them to reminisce with me and they are all happy to. I've written songs too. But, I just keep them to me and Peeta now. They're personal. They're mine. We've got paintings and pictures all over the house. We have a wall full of our people. Every time I pass it I smile.

Life is better now. There are still times where Peeta will shut his eyes closed tight and push through a flashback, but I'm always there holding his hand. There's still times where I scream in my sleep, but he's always there with his arms holding me tight. He'll rub his wrists absentmindedly and I'll unlock his imaginary cuffs. Or when a tear slips down my cheek as I spot a picture of a fallen friend and he wipes it away with a hug and a smile. But, it's all worth it to be here now. I've found my peace and it's with him. It'll always be with him.

We lay in bed quietly, tucked in each other's arms. He presses a kiss to my temple.

"You're my girl."

"And you're my boy. 

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