-girl talk-

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I walked with Finnick to the assembly and reunited with Katniss there. She remembered to add Annie after Finnick admitted that that was one of the things he was worried about and raced off to tell Coin to add Annie. Finnick mindlessly tied his rope into various kinds of knots with such delicacy and efficiency you wouldn't know he was slightly deranged. I sometimes brought up some topics of conversation, but he never noticed, so I just conversed with Prim. We all shut up to listen to Coin's announcement and she started just as Katniss slipped up next to us once more. She lists and explains all of Katniss' demands and when she brought up the victor immunity, naming Peeta, Annie, Johanna, Parker, and Enobaria by name, the crowd became distraught. Both Katniss and I were sent dirty looks from, I swear, thousands of 13 citizens and I sent them back. Katniss maintained a steady composure. For a few moments, Coin allowed the outrage, but soon she silenced them again.

"But in return for this unprecedented request, Soldier Everdeen has promised to devote herself to our cause. It follows that any deviance from her mission, in either motive or deed, will be viewed as a break in this agreement. The immunity would be terminated and the fate of the five victors determined by the law of District Thirteen. As would her own. Thank you." I look at her with shock. I turn to Katniss and raise my eyebrows.

"I don't know," she defends, raising her hands and shoulders. Everyone in the room began evacuating and so we followed their lead. Prim grabbed Finnick's hand and he smiled at her as she guided him back to the hospital. I quickly wrapped Fin in a one-armed hug before whispering in Prim's ear.

"Meet me in my room by curfew," I say in a hushed tone. She giggles and nods. "Oh! And tell your mom you'll be gone!" She nods again and I wave to her and Fin as they exit the room. I then grab Katniss' hand and drag her with me to my room. I giggle as we run upstairs. I don't know why, but I just prefer the stairs to the elevator. We get to my room, which has two bunk beds, but Prim brings Katniss' bed roll for her to sleep on after she gets off her shift. We burst into the room and collapse on the floor.

"Okay, fill me in," I say immediately, turning on my side. She kicks the door closed from her position on the ground before laying on her back.

"They kidnapped my prep team," she says plainly. I sit up, leaning on my arm.


"They kidnapped my prep team and put them in jail for taking a piece of bread," she confesses.

"How could they do that? They're harmless!"

"I know! And Effie's here too! Anyways, now they're supposed to remake me and turn me into some perfect yet grimy Mockingjay."

"Why can't you just be the way you are? I didn't have to have any makeup."

"That's because they didn't have any at the time. That's what I asked too. Also, you're going to be in the propos as the Ghost and you're being remade too."

"Thanks for the notice, Coin."

"I know! Speaking of, I can't believe she did that. If I put a toe out of line, Peeta, Johanna, Annie, all of them are going to go to the sharks."

"But, not if I go out of line."

"What are you saying?"

"I'll be your rebellion within the rebellion!"


"I'm already arguing with Coin about everything. I'll just do it for you too! I'll defend you and them from the sharks."

"That'd be awesome!"

"I mean, my job is to be your sidekick."

"You're more than my sidekick. You're like my sister." I smile at her lightly yet sincerely.

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