-interviews and murder-

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The next day is the day we prepare for our interviews. I am supposed to spend the first half of the day with Kaddie and the last half of the day with Finnick. To be honest, I'm rather excited for today. I haven't had something as grand as an interview or a Capitol party in a long time and this time I'm not 13 and trying to be something I'm not. Well, I still have to keep up my front, but that's different. I quickly change into a light pink day dress with a v-neck and ruffled sleeves and rim, a tight waist, and tiny white polka dots dotting the fabric. I apply some makeup that Harri left for me, making myself glow in a wonderful way and making me look a bit more like a kid. My hair is in beachy waves after I let it air dry post my shower last night and so I leave it. I exit my room feeling like a million bucks and ready to have a swell day.

I enter the dining room and I feel the eyes on me, though I don't try to pinpoint them. I recognize that the District 12 crew are eating with us and I can't help but wonder if Peeta thinks I look cute. I take a seat next to Annie and add only helpings of blueberries, strawberries, and biscuits onto my plate.

"Good morning guys," I say to the table.

"Good morning Miss Noah," greets Effie Trinket. I smile brightly at her and she returns the gesture. Sitting across from me is Katniss and I wave to her. She smiles at me and I dig into my food. Haymitch begins speaking from his spot at the head of the table.

"We are going to combine Kaddie and Effie's sessions before separating to the mentors. So, the girls will go with them after breakfast and the boys will be with them after talking with me and Annie," he explains.

"Where's Finnick?" Katniss asks. I exchange looks with Annie before looking down at my food.

"He's probably with some Capitol girl," I reply honestly. "That's normally what he does when he's here. But, he'll be back by the time I'm supposed to talk to him. He always is." Katniss gives a tiny eye roll and looks thoroughly unimpressed. I don't think she likes him. I think he's been flirty while I wasn't looking and well, his front isn't the most likeable, at least to Katniss. Her and I finish quickly and go off with Kaddie and Effie, our two escorts chattering away in front of us as we head into a large room with an assortment of objects. We talk as well.

When we enter, they direct us to a couch and we sit. Kaddie takes the stand.

"Katniss!" She yells, hitting the girl's knees together. "Keep your knees connected at all times. We mustn't have you looking like a man in your gorgeous dress. And we cannot have people peeking up it." Katniss' knees stayed glued together for the rest of the session. Kaddie explained to us proper manners during the interviews and we discussed how to hold our hands and she greatly corrected my posture. I slouch.

Then, Effie had her debut. She brought out two pairs of huge heels and dropped them at our feet. Katniss and I exchanged worried looks, but I tried to laugh it off. We stuck them on our feet and helped each other stand.

"No! Let go of each other and walk!" Effie chirped. I released my hold on the girl's arm and began walking across the room. I had a little difficulty as these were a solid two inches higher than the heels I've had to walk in before, but I definitely got on better than Katniss.

"Try to put more weight on your heels," I suggest. She does so, but begins to trip backwards. I wince as Effie heaves her back into a standing position.

"Not that much," I whisper. We practice walking for the rest of the session, which was a good two hours. Eventually, Effie deemed Katniss decent and me better, but she still seemed disappointed with us both. We switched shoes and left. Katniss and I laughed to each other as we left the room. We went to the living room and saw Annie, Max, Haymitch, and Peeta in there, waiting for us. I made eye contact with Peeta and smiled a bit.

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