-teaming with the enemy-

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I'm woken up by my Avox maids. An outfit lays out for me on the vanity along with a brightening toner that they used on my skin before. I eat breakfast in my room using the food elevator thing and dress in the clothes Harri left me. I have forest green cargo pants that are fitted perfectly to me, a black long sleeve shirt, and a black windbreaker that goes past my bum. The jacket has a single light blue stripe on it and an embroidered seashell on the top right side of the chest. Thanks Harri. I tug the black combat boots onto my feet. The socks are wool and are warm, so I immediately assume that it will be cold. Quickly, I apply the toner and instantly my blemishes are gone and a gorgeous glow replaces them. I finish breakfast and one of the maids takes me to Finnick who is waiting for me by the elevators along with Annie and Max. I immediately launch myself into Annie's arms before she could even open them. She seems to have collected herself as I did this morning, so no tears are spilled between us two.

"Show them who you are," she whispers earnestly into my ear as we embrace. I nod.

"Thank you for everything you have done for me, Annie. You are like the sister I never had," I whisper back. "Love you."

"I love you too. Get out of there, please," she whispers quieter than before so Max wouldn't hear. We pull away and I'm very tempted to begin crying. I'm never going to see her again. I came to terms with it last night, or so I thought. Can one ever really come to terms with something like that? I nod to Max.

"I'll see you in there." The elevator beeps and I look to Finnick. He nods. I grab Annie's hand and squeeze it. "Bye, Annie."

"Bye, Noah," she says, looking me dead in the eyes as I back into the elevator where Finnick is already standing. The doors close and I let out a breath I'd been holding.

"I'll take care of her," Finnick promises. I nod.

"I know," I say, smiling sadly at him. "I just need to know that you'll take care of yourself." He doesn't respond to that immediately. He knows that I'm the one who kept him in shape and camera ready all the time. He remembers the nights where he'd vent or cry to me about what the Capitol has done to him. And I hope he still feels the comfort that I'd give him after anything and everything, as he did the same for me.

"For you," he promises. "And for Annie."

"I'll take it," I reply, smiling at him. He smiles back at me before I see him begin to break.

"Finnick," I say, "don't cry." I don't say it, but I know that if he cries, I will pour the water works as well. He nods and squeezes his eyes shut.

"I'm gonna miss you, Noah," he says simply, looking at the elevator doors.

"I'm gonna miss you too. So, so much." I can't look at him, and I think he feels the same. The elevator doors open and we board the hovercraft that takes us to the arena. They put my tracker in my arm and the piercing feeling is soothingly familiar. The rest of the tributes in here wince hard, but I just stare straight forwards at Finnick. Neither of us show any emotion until we get to my station under my circle, where we say our final goodbyes. We only have three minutes, but given our situation, that seems like forever. The doors shut behind us and I throw my arms around his neck.

"Fin." He hugs me tightly and buries his nose in my hair, which is flowing in soft waves down my back.


"I love you."

"I love you too." He hugs me tighter as a minute passes.

"Do anything you can to get far. If you go down, go down strong," he instructs. Then, his tone switches to a whisper. "And our plan is only if you want to. If not, I'm okay with you just winning this thing." I nod. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes before pulling me back into his embrace.

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