-trying to live a bit-

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We spend the rest of the night continuing this routine of questions and answers. I learned a lot about 12 and about Haymitch that I never knew. I learned that his favorite color is a light, sunset orange and I told him that mine was a light blue. The same blue that Harri painted all over my clothing. His favorite animal is a horse and mine is a sea turtle. I absolutely love them. Peeta's favorite food back home was spinach puffs that he made with his mother, though she was quite abusive, but he loved the chicken and pea soup they had in the Capitol. I, of course, love biscuits.

Eventually, we deem it late enough to try to sleep and I grab his clothes which have dried out by now. He changes into them and we attempt to sleep. We have one issue. It is so, so cold. I pull out the jacket, but seeing how hard he was shivering, I toss it to him.

"Here," I say. He shakes his head.

"No, you wear it," he argues.

"Peeta, you're freezing," I object.

"Here, I have an idea," he says. Peeta pulls on the jacket and beckons me over. "Come here." I do as he says and scoot over. He wraps his arms around me and zips the jacket around me. It's the one that is big enough to fit Thresh, so it fits comfortably with both of us. I immediately feel warmer in his arms and the jacket only helps. I rest my head on his shoulder and pull his hoodie over his ear and my own over mine. I cross my arms over my chest in an attempt to warm my hands, but relax comfortably.

"Better?" He asks, his breath warm against my shoulder. I nod as best I can.

"Much." I pause for a moment. "I like it when you hold me," I admit. It was easy to fall asleep after that, but since I'm the one with the view of the entrance, I offer myself for watch.

"No," he denies, "I'll do it."

"Pete, you need rest," I argue.

"Says who?" He asks.

"Says me."

"Under what authority?"

"Peeta, that leg won't heal without help. You need to sleep and I have a view of the opening anyways." He contemplates this for a few moments before sighing.

"Wake me up when you need sleep. I'll do half the night as well," he gives in. Suddenly, the anthem begins playing and I watch as Glimmer is the only one shown.

"Who is it?" Peeta asks.

"Just Glimmer," I reply. "But, we already knew that." He nods slightly.

"Right. Well, goodnight Noah."

"Goodnight Peeta." I can hear his breathing slow down after a few minutes and I know he's asleep. My eyes are set on the hole that is the entrance to our cave, but my mind wanders. To what, you may ask? Practically everything. Though, it starts with Peeta.

Peeta. How can one describe him? He's sweet, kind, strong, strong-willed, handsome, smart, artistic, and everything else. If I'm being honest, another description of him, even though it's much shorter, it's very to the point. Perfect. But, that's weird, isn't it? I met him a week ago and I think he's perfect. Actually, that seems very accurate if I'm simply infatuated or obsessed. But, I don't want to be obsessed. I want to actually like him. I think I do. I think I'm just hardcore crushing on him, especially after learning more about him, spending more one-on-one time with him, and, if I'm being honest, getting Finnick out of the way.

He's my best friend. Not my best guy friend, just my best friend. Period. So, I just feel weird about liking him when Finnick's around because he's protective. And probably because he's been the only dude in my life for almost three years, so it's new. I don't know. He's like my older brother. But, I do know that I like Peeta. However, even though I like him, I know that I either won't ever see him again, or will see him again but in the very far future. Even then... I don't know.

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