-this is new-

5 0 0

I wake up in a white room with a single window. I'm connected to several wires and a machine checking my pulse is beeping next to me. I look down and see that I'm dressed in a hospital gown, or what I assume is one, and look around for anyone or anything that could tell me where I'm at. Suddenly, I recall what just happened. I was in the Hunger Games. Now I'm not. I'm in 13. I let out a laugh. I'm in 13.

"Hello!" I call. "Is anyone there?" It's several moments before someone opens the door. An older woman with perfect silver, bobbed hair walks in flanked by a few guards and a dark-skinned, bulky man with a stoic facial expression. The woman sends a smile my way. My face hardens as my joy drips from my exterior and interior. I put my guard up again. Dang it, I was hoping I wouldn't have to here.

"Hello Noah. I'm President Alma Coin. I run 13. Are you feeling okay?" She asks. I nod, looking at her with my lips forming a thin smile.

"I'm fine. How long was I out?" I ask.

"Only a few hours. Our doctors got you up and running again in the hovercraft, but we sedated you to make the trip easier," she replies, providing a light smile.

"So, can I leave - or what am I supposed to do now? Are the Games still going?" I ask. She nods and lets out something that sounds like a sigh but isn't fully there yet.

"Yes, the Games are still going. You managed to kill one of the other tributes on the way out," Coin says. At first, I'm excited, but I still don't know who I killed. What if I got 12?

"Who?" I demand. She looks to the man on her right.

"The female from 5, I believe." The man nods. She looks back at me. "Right, the girl from 5." I let out a breath of relief. Foxface.

"Can I see the Games? I need to make sure they're okay," I say, not specifying who 'they' are, but I'm confident that they can guess.

"I don't think so. You still need to recover. We don't want you getting hurt," she denies.

"No, I feel fine, President. I'm ready to go," I object.

"And what do you think you're ready to go and do?" She asks. I shrug.

"I don't know. Heavensbee didn't specify what would happen once I got here," I reply.

"This is Colonel Boggs." The man gives me a tight lipped smile and a nod. "I'm going to have him explain the situation to you and we'll go from there." She repeats her somewhat creepy smile before exiting, leaving the man with me. He pulls up a chair I didn't notice was in the corner of the room and sits next to the bed.

"You have a few options. The first is you can sit back, go with your agenda, and live a simple life in 13." He pauses.

"What's the other option?" I want to do something, not sit around while people keep dying.

"You can become a rebel and fight for us. You will have to go to training every day and take the test at the end of the semester and if you pass, you'll be involved in command," he explains.

"What happens in command?"

"You get to help organize rebel attacks and revolts."

"And eyes and ears?"


"What about I train and go into command right now?"

"Why would we let you do that?"

"Because you need me."

"That's a bold claim."

"Why would you save me if you didn't?" I smirk when he looks down. "Look, I have the people's trust. If you want the rebellion to start, you need someone to inspire people and start it for you. I'm already a martyr. And I know how to fight. I can go into the districts, spark the fire, talk to friends of mine that you need to be friends of yours. I can fight the battles you need to fight because I've had to fight them since I was 13. I know how this works, I know what to do." He considers this for several moments.

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