-two months-

4 0 0

Two months later, I wasn't back in 8 like I thought I'd be. Two months later, Peeta still hadn't been rescued. Two months later, my best friend is going crazy because the person he's in love with is in the Capitol's clutches. Two months later, and we have 800 more people in the bunker. Two months later, and we still don't have a Mockingjay.

When we got back, Finnick and I tried to get them to grab Annie before the Capitol did. But, they got her. We then explained everything to Katniss, which was a hard conversation.

"What's Snow's response?" I ask.

"Well, you're on the air a lot, kid," Dad replies, glancing at the television on the control board.

"At least it's me and not Katniss," I say.

"No, there's a lot of her too. I expect they'll talk about her soon enough, after they get all the information they can out of Johanna, Parker, and Peeta," Heavensbee says. I glare at the table.

"Is there anything we can do to get them out of there?" Finnick croaks.

"No, not without Coin's orders. Right now she's preoccupied," Heavensbee replies.

"With what?" I ask. "This is the biggest issue right now."

"With the riots happening across the country," Dad replies, pulling up a map on the electronic board. "Almost every district in Panem is rebelling against the Capitol. But, it's not going very well right now."

"Communications are down in 7, 10, and 12. But 11 has control of transportation now, so there's at least a hope of them getting some food out," Heavensbee says, looking at his tablet.

"What about Annie and the other victors?" I ask.

"Can we go to 4 and get her?" Finnick adds, his voice hoarse.

"No, I'm sorry. There's no way I can get you to 4. But I've given special orders for her retrieval if possible. It's the best I can do, Finnick," Heavensbee replies.

"Get me on that retrieval team," I demand.

"Bryant, you can't just jump shift every time one of your friends is in trouble. We've already accommodated you several times," he argues. I bang my fist against the table. I'm so over this conversation. I'm so over him.

"I've been in combat for 3 months, Heavensbee! I haven't been accommodated, I've been helping," I insist. "I'm talking to Coin and Boggs when we get back. We need to help her."

"I'll turn myself in," Finnick croaks out, his tone indicating that he had switched topics. "Maybe they'll keep Parker and her alive if I do."

"Don't be stupid. That's the worst thing you could do. Get them killed for sure," Dad replies.

"As long as you're alive, they'll keep them alive for bait," I finish. "It's not the best idea, but at least they're going to be okay." Suddenly, someone bursts into the room loudly. I spin around in my chair, my hand on my gun reflexively, until I see who it is.

"Done knocking yourself out, sweetheart?" Dad asks, obviously annoyed. Katniss steps forward shakily and he stands up from his seat, grabbing her wrists. "So it's you and a syringe against the Capitol? See, this is why no one lets you make the plans." She just stares at him. "Drop it." He then squeezes her wrist until her hand pops open and she releases the syringe. Then, he puts her in a chair between Finnick and I. I scoot a bowl of broth in front of her and grab a roll as well. I put a spoon in her hand gently.

"Eat," I say kindly. Dad sits in front of her.

"Katniss, I'm going to explain what happened. I don't want you to ask any questions until I'm through. Do you understand?" She nods and he tells her everything. She takes it all in.

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