-teaming teams-

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The next few days of training continued in this routine, where we all avoided our strengths. However, this wasn't hard for me as I didn't spy a trident anywhere in the whole of the training center. On the third to last day, during private lessons with our mentors, Peeta asked to be separated from Katniss. I don't know where that leaves our alliance, but I'm thinking that I'll probably team with Katniss, no matter how much I want to help Peeta. On the last day, we all had to do personal training sessions with the Game Makers. They were supposed to last about 15 minutes, though in my past experiences, the kids with the lower scores generally were not in there as long. So, I was determined to not be one of those kids.

"Noah," the lady nods to me and I stand, the rest of the tributes eyeing me as I leave. I wink at the ones who's gazes annoy me and they look away, blushing. The Game Makers seem interested in me immediately, which I find gratifying. I quickly spy a trident sitting by the spears that definitely wasn't here before. I make a mental note to thank Finnick. I grab it and some rope and move to stand in front of the Game Makers. I grin.

"Hello. Now, I know you've seen me before and have seen many of my skills in action during my games. This will be different," I say. They nod at me and I begin. I drag a dummy over before jogging back a good thirty paces. I roll my shoulder and stretch out my arm a bit, practicing the motion of throwing a few times before making my move. I throw it with all the force I can muster, willing it to hit on target. And it does. The trident strikes the dummy's chest and so I move on. I begin tying every knot I remember onto the small length of rope, managing to fit them all on there in a span of two minutes.

"Can I have a volunteer?" I ask. Honest, multiple hands shot up. I call on a younger woman who strolls down. I hand her the rope.

"Stand by the dummy and throw the rope into the air by it's head," I instruct. She seems weary but does it anyway.

"1.. 2.. 3!" She drops the rope over the dummy and I send three knives out, landing in three individual knots just above the trident. I nod to her and she scurries back up to the seating area. I proceed to set a few traps and then make my way to the camouflage station. I take bright red berry juice and mix it with some brown and purple paints, adding a touch of actual red. I then use the small mirror on the station to apply it to my cheek, neck, and hands. I take pale cream colored paint and paint the remainder of my face before turning to the judges. I look as if my throat's been slit and I tried to save myself. I look dead. The amount of surprise on their faces is laughable, but they clap anyway. I bow and they dismiss me.

I duck through the halls with a proud look in my eyes. The elevator takes me to my level and I meet with Finnick and Annie. She is surprised, but Finnick gives me a high five.

"Good job," he says. I laugh.


That night, we watch the ratings of the tributes with District 12, much to Max's dismay. Katniss is on my left, Finnick my right, and Peeta is down on the other end of the couch. I grab Katniss' hand and smile at her. I shake our hands.

"We got this, right? Don't be nervous," I insist. She nods and I feel her grip tighten on my hand when the TV comes on. They go through the first three districts, getting to me and Max.

"Noah Bryant, our star from Four gets a score of ten! Good for her..." There are cheers around me as I release Katniss' hand and hug Finnick, getting a quick kiss on the head from him and a squeeze around the shoulders from Annie.

"That's my girl!" Finnick exclaims with a laugh and Peeta gives me a smile, Katniss bumping my shoulder. But, she gives Finnick an odd look. Max got a seven.

We all waited for a while until Katniss and Peeta were called.

"Mr. Peeta Mellark, our baker's son from District 12 got a shocking eight!" We all cheer and whoop for him, myself giving him a wink.

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