- feasting on the blood of my enemies (not really) -

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I've spent the last day getting away from District 12. I cannot have them getting stuck in my traps. They'd be dead in seconds if I do it right. I'm about fifteen minutes away from the Cornucopia and in Foxface's territory (the girl from District 5). I know this because I saw her scurry around here when I was with the Careers after Peeta and Katniss got away. I didn't pay her any mind because I was so focused on getting away too. I also saw her run here during the bloodbath, but again, I paid her no mind. Now, I have to kill her.

I begin unloading my supplies that I've kept in my bag the last few weeks; rope, a knife, and more rope. They didn't have a lot of trapping supplies in the cornucopia. My mind races back to when I watched Finnick's games and how he trapped his competitors. He used rope and jungle vines, but I don't have those here. Any sort of vine would surely break under her weight, no matter how tiny she is. I could build a large rabbit trap, but she's smart enough to realise what that is and avoid it. I'll have to build a lot anyways to even catch her in the right spot. Then, just as the sun begins to lower itself, the anthem plays.

Just as I expected, there is a feast announced by Mr. Claudius Templesmith. However, I'm good on food, so I don't intend to go and get myself killed.

"Now hold on. Some of you may already be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. Each of you needs something desperately." What do I need desperately? I can actually leave this arena when I want to, I have no need for a thing... trapping supplies. I need trapping supplies if I'm to help Katniss and Peeta. "Each of you will find that something in a backpack, marked with your district number, at the Cornucopia at dawn. Think hard about refusing to show up. For some of you, this will be your last chance." Alright. I guess I'm going.

I wake up before the sun, luckily, but it's dead in the middle of the night. It's freezing and I only have the two jackets. Peeta and Katniss are probably cuddling in her sleeping bag right now.

I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. No, I want them together. I want them to be happy and be there for each other. It'll also be their best shot at surviving the Capitol. I try to see through the thick of trees and suddenly remember that I put night-vision glasses in my pack. I dig through it and find them at the bottom. Pulling them on quickly, the cold metal bites my skin, but I ignore it as I see a figure running out of the trees. Foxface. She books it to the cornucopia and rests on the inside, ears perked and eyes aware, watching for any of the rest of us. No one emerges to get her.

I groan inwardly, annoyed that she stole my move. That's what I did during my last Games and now I'm stuck here. I mean, I guess I could just go kill her right now, but everyone would know I was there then. I'm stuck. I start to think about what the others may have in their bags. I know primarily what I'm going to get, but what of them? Maybe one of them does need food or water, but 12's okay in that category and Foxface knew a whole lot about plants and food during training, so I assume she's doing fine as well. And then the Careers have their stash - wait. Oh my goodness! I let a muffled giggle pass my lips as I spot the mess that was our pyramid of supplies. It's been blown to bits! That 12 girl... she's good. So, they probably need a lot. And then Thresh, he probably only needs a method to kill people. He's been hiding out and no one particularly wants to go after him. Dang, everyone is stealing my tactics today. And 12. What could they need? A single thought pierces through. Peeta's leg. Wow, okay. He had been having a lot of trouble with it lately and when I left it didn't seem like the burn cream had helped any. There were even lines going up his leg that had appeared the day before Katniss showed. Oh my gosh. He has blood poisoning.

I have to help Katniss get their bag. He has to make it out. I'll get mine and help her get theirs then race out as fast as possible. Then, I'll spend the rest of the day setting traps for Foxface then signal to Finnick and leave. And I'll never see anyone I love again. I look down at my hands and spin my ring I have on my ring finger. It used to be two, but now I only have the one, a thin black one. The other was a gold wave with three symbols engraved along the sides; a trident, a broken daisy, and an anchor.

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