-always the loss-

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We all sit quietly eating liver pate and fig cookies in Tigris' store. The sun hasn't even come up yet. Thanks to Tigris' scouting the night before and the Capitol's dedication to their news system, we know that they are now evacuating everybody outside the Capitol's inner circle, which pretty much consists of only the highest of the highs. All other citizens are invited to stay with President Snow in his mansion or with the residents of the inner circle.

The TV flickers behind Gale and all of our eyes turn to it immediately. It switches on and some peacekeeper begins to explain how many people each inner circle house must take in depending on their square footage and supplying instructions to those leaving their homes.

"Take only the clothes on your back. Once this incident is taken care of, President Snow promises that you may return to your belongings. All that has been damaged by the rebels will be replaced or you will be compensated for it. I say again, only take the clothes on your back and President Snow will provide safety for you and your children."

"He's giving us a pathway straight to him," I say flatly. "He's letting us in."

"He's not just 'letting us in'. If you think that just because we have a plan that this will be easy-"

"Nothing will be easy. Nothing has been easy," I cut Katniss off. Her voice was thin and angry, but mine was sharper. "I'd hope that you would know that. I mean, the fact that we even have a half decent plan is a blessing. If we don't take advantage of this, we'd be idiots. So, we hide ourselves and we go through the crowd. The second we have eyes on him, he's already dead."

"Well, yes," she agrees reluctantly. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her arms are crossed - she's obviously upset. I just don't know why she's trying to pick a fight with me.

"We need to break into groups. Katniss goes with Gale, Pollux with Cressida, and I'll be with Peeta. Katniss and Gale will go first, me and Peeta will follow a block over, and Pollux and Cressida the other direction," I decide. I shrug. "And then whoever finds him first wins."

"Who said you were in charge?" Katniss asks.

"Do you have a better idea?" I refute.

"You didn't give me the chance to have one."

"Should've spoken first."

"It's not your job to speak first."

"Oh and what, it's yours? I actually got the training required to be here. I've worked for this."

"I've worked for this too! Arguably more than you!"

"I was in 13 for a year before you came around! I've been involved since the beginning! When you were in your first games, I was in my second and already working to ruin Snow. When you were in your second games, I was on my way to ruin him. And before he even did anything to you, before you were threatened, fought, and injured, he had already ruined me. He had already killed my family. Had already sold me to his pets. Had already used me and Fin. Had already used every victor in history!"

"I didn't ask for your life story!"

"I didn't ask for it either!"

"Shut up!" Our eyes shoot over to Cressida, who is glaring at the both of us. "This isn't about who's been hurt more, who has the more training, who has the title, or whatever. It's about us finishing this. We've all been hurt. He's reached everyone. And I think we can all agree that we're done with it. We're done being used. So, whatever we do, it has to be good and we have to work together, or else it won't happen. Now, how does everyone feel about Noah's plan? Sound good?"

Everyone nods, me and Katniss glaring at one another. Cressida sighs.

"What is with you two?"

"Now's not the time," I say.

"If it's not now, it may be never," Gale says. "Any one of us could die today."

I glare at my shoes, all my bad feelings about the last year bubbling in my chest. I can't put them on her. It's not her fault. But blame is so easy to place, especially when you're in pain.

We rest in silence for about a minute.

"Well, then let's get a move on before we do," I say. I turn my attention to Tigris. "You think you can make us unrecognizable?"

She nods and purrs, gesturing us back.

In just under a half hour, she has managed to make us look like average Capitol citizens. I now have bright blue hair, and gross red lipstick with orange eyeshadow. Peeta has spiky green hair, is practically orange, with matching green eyeshadow. Katniss' look is very pink and Gale's red. Pollux and Cressida look a tad more normal, Cressida's hair left to its vines, and Pollux wearing no makeup. However, he does have a large hot pink wig with gold accents. We all have heavy fur cloaks on with big hoods, and Katniss and Gale prepare to leave.

"You have the pill?" Gale asks Peeta. Peeta nods.

"What pill?" I say, furrowing my brows. Gale sighs.



"He needs to have it in case he gets caught," he reasons.

"So, you gave him yours?" I ask.


"And what will you do if you get caught?"

"I have a knife... and Katniss won't let me go through that."

I turn to her. "You're going to shoot him."

"If I have to," she confirms. I give her a look of disbelief. I know her. She wouldn't be able to do it. She can't let him go.

"I trust you," I say, turning back to Gale. "Be safe, you two. Don't die, alright?"

Gale chuckles. "No promises." I give him a hug and turn to Kat.

"You too," I say.

She shrugs. "No promises."

They thank Tigris and say goodbye to the rest of our group. Gale nods to Peeta and they head out the door.

About five minutes pass, and I thank Cressida, Pollux, and Tigris for everything they've done for us. "I'll hopefully see you all soon."

Cressida nods with a smile. "Count on it."

I face Peeta and pull a small key out of my vest pocket. I unlock his handcuffs and toss them on the ground. He grabs my hand and I smile softly.

"Let's go," he says quietly.

"Good luck," I tell the others. And then we're gone in the sea of Capitol citizens.

I grip Peeta's hand tightly as we walk, keeping our heads low. There's nothing to do but walk and watch. I can't see anything ahead of us except for people. Little feet pass ours, bright yellow coats and hair, neon orange winter clothing, and crazy fluorescent makeup catching my eye. It's only 7 in the morning!

"I can't believe that they're evacuating their homes and they put on makeup," I whisper to Peeta.

"Gotta look good for the countless cameras that'll be up there," he chuckles.I smile and squeeze his hand.

"I like it when you make jokes."

Suddenly, screams erupt in the air and people hit the ground. Everyone begins panicking and running and I get pushed to the floor. I scramble as Peeta pulls me up, running forward into the chaos. I can see it now.

Rebel troops coming in from every side, every angle, pushing ahead towards the President's mansion. I pull my swords off my legs, tossing one to Peeta as we run with the rest of the troops. Our hoods fall back and I pull off my ridiculous wig and cloak. Peeta whips his off as well. We near the front, a ton of kids in a metal pen up by the mansion. I spot Katniss. A strand of black hair flies in front of my face and I feel like I'm almost back in 8.

A passing soldier shouts, "Ghost?!"

I laugh and nod. "We've almost made it, huh!"

My head hits the concrete.

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