-training the victors-

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I sit bored in Command as Commander Hammond drones on and on about the war efforts in the other districts. Except, there's nothing happening in the other districts right now because we're basically taking a break from the war to regroup and get things in order. The Peacekeepers have been overrun and have been pulled back to the Capitol and the Capitol is barely keeping their citizens from rioting in pure panic. That's it. The war is quite dull now. This meeting is even more colorless. I rest my head against the cold table, a splitting headache torturing me.

"What do you mean, I'm not going to the Capitol? I have to go! I'm the Mockingjay!" The doors fly open and Katniss stomps in furiously. I sit up quickly, tempted to laugh a bit. Coin doesn't even look at her.

"And as the Mockingjay, your primary goal of unifying the districts against the Capitol has been achieved. Don't worry — if it goes well, we'll fly you in for the surrender." The surrender? Oh, come on.

"That'll be too late! I'll miss all the fighting. You need me — I'm the best shot you've got! Gale's going," Katniss shoots back.

"Gale has shown up for training every day unless occupied with other approved duties. We feel confident he can manage himself in the field, " Coin replies. "How many training sessions do you estimate you've attended?" Oh. She's got her there.

"Well, sometimes I was hunting. And . . . I trained with Beetee down in Special Weaponry," Katniss tries lamely.

"It's not the same, Katniss, " Boggs chimes in. "We all know you're smart and brave and a good shot. But we need soldiers in the field. You don't know the first thing about executing orders, and you're not exactly at your physical peak."

"That didn't bother you when I was in 8. Or 2, for that matter, " she refutes.

"You weren't originally authorized for combat in either case, " Heavensbee says, hovering over the line where they accidentally reveal her altercations.

"And both resulted in your injury, " Boggs adds. She looks at a point on the carpet, thinking about what she could say to save herself. And unfortunately, I don't disagree with them. She's small and hurt and has no idea how to follow orders. I love the girl, but she's not exactly soldier material.

"But, I have to go," she says.

"Why?" Coin asks.

"Because of 12. Because they destroyed my district," Katniss answers. Coin sighs.

"You have three weeks. It's not long, but you can begin training. If the Assignment Board deems you fit, possibly your case will be reviewed." Katniss nods.

"Thank you." And then she leaves. She's got to go through training and she's got to beat it. She has to get to the Capitol. I sit up, turning to Coin.

"Let me train her," I suggest. "She'll respond better to me and it will give me something to do. I'll get her onto the field."

"You're not an instructor, Bryant," Boggs says. I turn to him.

"Maybe not, but I'm a soldier. I'm a general. I completed the advanced training program in two months. I know the system inside and out, Boggs. You trained me to do that. Let me train her to," I plead. Boggs looks at Coin.

"She's your student, Boggs," Coin says, handing the decision off to him. That's... strange.

"Okay," he agrees. "You can help train her alongside York." I grin.

"Thank you," I say. He nods.

"You're welcome."

"Come on, Everdeen!" I yell. "Mason, pick up the pace!" Katniss falls out of line, holding her torso.

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