-trapping tributes and serenading the capitol-

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In my bag was delicate wire, glue, stakes, a hammer, a shovel, and netting. There was no way that I could've made my own, so I'm thankful for that. I then spent the remainder of the day setting up traps that, if fallen into properly, will hang the girl, who we've come to know as Foxface. It'll be quick and painless. I also dug several holes and covered them with netting and leaves. In the holes were spikes I carved quickly from wood. That won't be as painless, but it'll still get the job done.

Right now, I'm resting by a tree. It's dusk and the announcements just went off. Like I predicted, Cato killed Thresh. Though, it's still kind of surprising, as Thresh was huge. But, Cato's arm was nearly as shattered as Thresh's was. I guess I didn't even out the playing field well enough. Clove was shown as well, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel a bit bad for Cato. It's even worse because I know that he's going to die at the end of this if 12 plays well enough. He'll be their last competitor most likely. I doubt he'll be the one to fall into my traps.

Now that it seems as though the excitement has died down for the day, I decide that now's my time.

"Let me just say hello to the Capitol," I say fake cheerily. I'm obviously over the whole thing, but I stare into the camera on the tree opposite me anyways. "I have a gift for you. Now, you see that I'm probably not making it out of here and most of you don't know much about me. I'd like to change that. So, I made a song. I call it 'Panic Room'." I make sarcastic jazz hands before I begin to tap the beat.

"Thought shaking, hair raising

I'm ready for the worst

So frightening, face whitening

Fear that you can't reverse

I've just turned sixteen and

I knew something's coming

They threatened my family

They just want to use me

Threaten my humanity

I cannot get out

Welcome to the panic room

Where all your darkest fears are gonna

Come for you, come for you

Welcome to the panic room

You'll know I wasn't joking

When you find the truth, find the truth

Welcome to the panic room

Still waiting, hands shaking

Maybe they'll let me live

But these people, the tricks they pull

Their threats are so sincere

They ruined my best friends

Their torture just won't end

Our suff'ring is so loud

One gives up his body

The other's now shoddy

She can't control it now

Welcome to the panic room

Where all your darkest fears are gonna

Come for you, come for you

Welcome to the panic room

You'll know I wasn't joking

When you find the truth, find the truth

Welcome to the panic room

There's no one on our side

'Cause the truth has surely died

Hiding under costumes

For our nightmares to begin

There's no one on our side

'Cause they don't talk 'bout the kills

We just let you assume

That we're not hurt when we win

Welcome to the panic room

Where all your darkest fears are gonna

Come for you, come for you

Welcome to the panic room

You'll know I wasn't joking

When you find the truth, find the truth

Now you know

Don't trust Snow

But if you do

We've got space for you

In the Panic Room." I smile at the tree with sarcastic eyes.

"Now, let me explain a few things," I say. "When I was 16, my entire family was killed because I refused to do disgusting things that President Snow told me to. The only person left in my family is my father, my real father, Haymitch Abernathy. After his Games, his family and girlfriend were killed too because they did something they weren't particularly fond of. Also, countless victors in the districts are in pain and are being used by President Snow. Don't trust him.

"Now, I'd like to talk about my decision to help 12. I hope that when they win, they'll be a positive influence on Panem and be able to change things for victors. I also hope they won't be used or abused like me and my friends were. Please make sure they aren't. I also have a message for them.

"Katniss, you know as well as any that birds chirp their own songs. Be like a bird. Like your pin. Be the Mockingjay. Peeta..." I take a breath. "A word of caution; Snow turns red in the winter. Stay true to you. Be the good guy I met at the Opening Ceremonies. Don't lose him." With that, I spin my ring and scratch behind my ear with two fingers before I lean back to sleep.

The sun wakes me up and I suddenly hear a swish. I look up and smile, seeing my one and only sponsor gift drift down in a silver parachute. I catch it in my hand and carefully and slowly open it up. A small biscuit. I love biscuits. I heave myself up, catching myself on the tree when the pain in my side bites back. I let out a grunt and analyze the wound. It's infected, very infected, and I see the same red lines that were on 12's leg eating up my torso. Blood poisoning. Now or never, I guess. I break off a bit of the biscuit so as to not make it seem like it killed me and that the wound did. I eat it and it tastes normal.

After I sit back down, I eat more after about a half an hour.

"So, I guess this is the end of my legacy. The girl who survived one Hunger Games and died in another. How pathetic," I laugh grimly. My eyelids flit, and it takes all my effort to keep them up. Suddenly, I hear a canon go off and I desperately hope that it's Foxface. I smile softly.

"Good luck 12."

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