Chapter 1

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Josephine stared at the waves of white stones that perfectly lined the hills of Arlington as she stopped to take in the view. This wasn't her first time here, but the serenity and peacefulness these stones brought always took her breath away.

Jo made her way through the fields, passing each headstone glancing at each name as she passed using them like a bread crumb trail to lead her back home. She used to get lost among them trying to find her brother, but now it had become muscle memory. She'd find her newfound friends and they'd lead her back to him.

After a few minutes of walking, Jo stopped as she looked down at her brother's name and legacy. She slowly knelt on the cool grass in front of his stone and ran her fingers over his name. Steve Grant Rogers. Her hand fell into her lap as she dropped her head closing her eyes. "I miss you bug." She said softy in an almost whisper just as a small breeze surrounded her. A small smile formed on her lips as she let a tear fall from her eye. Jo placed the new bouquet of flowers she'd gotten for him across the base of the headstone and picking up the one she'd left last time she was here.

"I know its been a little bit since I've last seen you. I hope you're doing well... I'm doing okay." She began. "I got that apartment in Brooklyn I was telling you about. The one that looks out across over the East River. It's really nice, has lots of... sunshine from the big windows..." she said her voice trailing off as she looked up at his name.

"Bucky misses you." She blurted. "He feels bad about not being able to make it out here, but I think apart of him wishes it was him instead of you. I know you wouldn't feel that way and that's what I keep telling him, but you know how he gets." Jo finish softly as she rested a hand on his stone once more.

It had been a year since he'd left and every day it still felt new. Jo would want to call him to meet at their favorite diner for breakfast, but mid-dial would remember no one would be on the other end of the line.

After a while of reminiscing, Jo stood, grabbing the old flowers that had previously been there and pressed her fingers to her lips, then to the top of the gravestone. "I love you bug. I'll see you soon." She whispered pausing for a moment before she made the trek back through the field to her car.


Four hours later, Jo pushed through the meri-go-round doors of her apartment building, making her way to her apartment she fumbled for her keys from her purse and unlocked her door before going inside. She stripped off her jacket and shoes and placed her purse on the entry way table letting out a small sigh as she turned into the kitchen.

Her apartment wasn't big, by any means. There was enough room for her, a bed, a couch and a small living room table that served as a dining room table and desk. She could do small; she'd lived in smaller throughout her life; this was bigger than most places her and Steve tried to live after their mother died. The large bay windows were her selling point and the small wall divider that separated the living room and the bedroom area was perfect for her.

Jo grabbed a glass from the cupboard and set it on the counter. She turned and opened the fridge, bending down to grab the filtered water jug to pour herself a cup.

"Wanna get me a beer while you're in there?" A deep voice said startling Jo as she began pouring.

"Jesus Christ." She said turning to see Bucky sitting on her couch. His blue eyes peering over her copy of The Hobbit he'd gotten her for Christmas last year, with one raised eyebrow.

"No, just me doll." A smirk forming on his lips as he placed the book on the coffee table.

"Bucky, what the hell." Jo said looking from him to the counter now covered in water. "What are you doing here?"

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