Chapter 4

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The next day, Jo stared up at the apartment building in front of her. Wringing her palms together as she contemplated going inside. A part of her wondered if she was stepping over the line coming to Bucky's apartment when she knew he didn't want her there, but that was before he disappeared on her and she at this point, she was desperate. Letting her hands fall to her sides as they balled into anxious fists, she let out a deep breath as she coaxed herself inside. She gave an awkward smile to the doorman as he opened the entry for her.

"Welcome Miss." He smiled politely as she nodded softly.

"Thank you."

Jo made her way to the elevator, remembering the apartment number he'd previously given her. 23A. She repeated to herself. What am I doing? He clearly doesn't want to speak to me. Running a hand over her face as the elevator doors opened to his floor. Jo stood in the elevator, staring down the intimidating hallway. Its Bucky. He won't be to upset that I'm here... right?

The elevator doors began to close, "Shit." She cursed under breath as her hand flew up, stopping them from closing. She made her way to his door, pausing once more before knocking twice. Jo let out a sigh at the lack of an answer. "Bucky?" She said knocking once more. Taking a step back and hoping for the door to open. Jo took one last deep breath as she looked down at her hands before stepping back to the door, she raised her hand once more, getting ready to knock one last time, freezing as rustling came from the other side. She dropped her hand as the door swung open, her friend standing in front of her. Steel blue eyes meeting hers as she looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" His voice gravelly as he glanced up and down the hallway before resting his gaze back onto her.

"I—uh..." Jo cleared her throat, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." She croaked, her voice trailing, losing the little confidence she had gained from walking through the entry. Jo looked back down at her hands. Why did she feel so nervous? Bucky had never made her feel this way, but then again this was a first for them. "You haven't returned any of my calls and I got worried that you may have..." Her voice trailed off again as her eyes met his once more. His brow furrowed as he studied her.

Bucky watched her, the nervousness dripping from every inch of her being as she spoke. Reluctantly, Bucky stepped to the side. "Come in." His eyes dropping to the floor in surrender. Jo watched him before peering inside the apartment. She hesitated, before stepping past him into the entry way. Jo looked back at him as he held out his hand, "Coat." He stated. She obeyed, slipping out of her jacket and handing it to him. Jo watched as Bucky carefully hung it up on a set of hooks by the door.

She began down the small hallway before being greeted by what she assumed was the living room, the kitchen off to the left of her. The apartment was bigger than hers, but empty. The living room housed a leather chair with a lamp in the corner; the floor in between the two was covered with blankets, in what looked like a makeshift bed. Jo turned to look at him. Bucky's eyes avoiding hers as he stood in front of her.

"I see why you prefer my snacks now..." She said with a small smile as she watched him.

Bucky looked up at her, visibly relaxing as he rubbed the back of his neck with his vibranium appendage. "I uh... don't spend much time here." He admitted. Jo looked over to the bed once more before glancing back at him.

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