Chapter 16

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"He's just down through that doorway." The guard stated as the three stopped in the long pure white hallway of the Berlin Penitentiary.

"Thanks." Bucky said as Sam shoved his hands in his pockets. The man promptly nodded and walked back down the corridor, leaving Bucky and Sam alone. Bucky stared at the door for a moment before looking at Sam. "I'm going in alone."

Sam spun his head towards Bucky, "Like hell you are."

"You're an avenger Sam. If you have forgotten... He doesn't take well to them." Bucky stated as he looked back at the door. "He's not going to give anything up if you waltz in there with me."

Sam sighed shaking his head, "This is fucked up, Buck. You gotta know that."

"Yeah. I do. But what other choice to we have?"

Wilson shook his head once more, taking a deep breath and letting it out. He knew had no leads as of right now and he knew it was probably unlikely Jo would be able to find any connection between Brandon and the hotel. "Fine. I'll wait outside." Bucky nodded.


"Don't thank me yet. Shit hits the fan, Buck, you're on your own with Jo."

"I can handle Jo."

Sam let out an audible chuckle. "Yeah, okay." He turned and made his way down the hallway, Bucky making a face before turning back to the door. One of the only barriers between him and his worst enemy.

Tentatively, he pulled open the door leading into a dark room, a large piece of acrylic roughly 5 inches thick separated the space. A single florescent light shined over half of the cell. The door closed behind Bucky, the click sending a chill through his spine as he clenched his leather fists at his sides. A figure cloaked by the partial darkness stood, taking as step forward, speaking in Russian. Longing. Rusted. Furnace. Bucky's jaw tightened for a moment, as much as he had convinced himself that the control was gone, hearing them for the first time since Wakanda twisted his stomach.

"That doesn't work anymore." Bucky stated, almost gritting through his teeth as Zemo stepped into the light.

"I know, James. For old time's sake, I thought I'd see if our old friend was still around." Zemo smirked and Bucky watched him, remaining as stoic as he could. "What reason do you have to visit me?" He asked, folding his hands in front of him as he paced back and forth the cell.

"There's a new serum."

This seemed to catch Zemo's attention as he stopped pacing, turning towards Bucky. "And you think I have something to do with this?"

"No. But I have a feeling you know who does."

"Ah. So, you want my help."

Bucky shifted on his heels, giving a nod. "Yes."

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