Chapter 7

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Warm fingers traced along the skin of her arm as she shifted slightly, her eyes remaining close.

"Jo?" Bucky's voice echoed softly through her ears as his hand travelled up her arm and to her face, tracing along her hairline, moving the stray pieces of hair behind her ear. "Wake up, darlin." He cooed.

"Mmm." Jo hummed as she sighed, opening her eyes slowly. Bucky letting out a soft laugh, looking down at her. The light from her windows blinded her for a moment, getting reacquainted with her surroundings, her body tensed realizing she was still laying on top of him. Both still glued to her couch. She lifted her head to look up at him, his fingers combing through her auburn locks.

The sun hit his face just right, highlighting the ever so slight touch of green in his ocean eyes, that currently were studying her features before meeting hers. His perfect lips curled into a smile as she returned the gesture. "Mornin'." The gruff in his morning voice sending chills down her spine. This new hold he was beginning to have over her sent waves of confusion through her mind as he took in her features. Jo cleared her throat as she broke his gaze that had begun to feel intimidating in the best way.

"Morning." She returned as she began to pull herself from him. For a moment, she swore she could feel the arm around her stiffen as if he wasn't ready for her to leave him, but the feeling quickly went away when his arm dropped from her waist. The two untangled their limbs and sat up on either end of the sofa. Bucky twisted his neck from side to side, stretching out what she could only imagine was stiffness from laying in their position all night.

Bringing her own arms across her chest, stretching them out before letting out a small yawn which Bucky then repeated back to her. The two letting out a small laugh as their eyes met briefly. "Breakfast?" Jo asked as she stood, fixing her clothes as she noticed him glancing at his watch.

"I wish I could. I gotta meet Sam in an hour and still need to run home and pack." Bucky stood as he watched her rake her fingers through her hair with a soft nod. "I should probably get going." His hand motioned towards the door before he stuffed his hand into his pocket.

"Right, of course." She smiled softly as he smiled back before turning and heading into the kitchen to grab his gloves, slipping them over his hands, followed by him donning his coat. Jo had followed him to the kitchen leaning against the door frame as she watched him. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes wandered his body. Bucky turned to face her, tilting his head with a smirk. Jo caught the look he was giving her before laughing softly and looking down.

"Were you just checking me out?" He asked, the smirk now permanent on his face.

"No?" She lied, grinning back at him through her lashes, before awkwardly looking down, kicking her foot back and forth slightly. This earned a chuckle from him as he stepped closer to her. The breath hitching in her throat as he lifted her chin with his index finger bringing the hazel eyes he wasn't quite used to getting lost in yet, to his.

"I gotta go. But we should talk when I get home." Home. The word replayed in her mind. Did he mean home in general? Or home to her. Jo nodded softly, the nervousness leaving her body as he pulled her into him. She was glad he seemingly had enough confidence for them both. Jo was normally pretty confident but lately whenever she was around this man, the sureness she had in herself washed away.

The two stood together for a few moments before she laughed softly feeling his phone come to life in his jacket pocket. "That's probably Sam." He said with a laugh, before stepping back from her to pick it up, before doing so, flashed his phone screen to her to confirm that it was Wilson. Jo laughed once more as Bucky answered. 

"Hi Sam." He said, Jo attempting to stifle a laugh as she could hear the twenty questions Wilson had begun to throw at him. Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh. "I know... Yes... No, I'm not." Jo leaned against the counter as she heard the chatter continue through his phone. "Sam. I'll be there." Bucky stated plainly as he shook his head and rolling his eyes before putting his phone on speaker.

"Well, you better hurry it up. I'm not making this Jet wait around for your grandpa ass all day." Sam rambled as Jo couldn't contain her laughter any longer, letting out a giggle as Bucky grinned at her. Sam instantly went quiet. "Jo?" Sam asked as she let out another laugh, this time louder and fuller, Bucky following suit. "Hi Jo." Sam sang over the other end of the line, Bucky rolling his eyes once more, knowing he was about to get an earful of questions on the flight there.

"Hiya Sammy." Jo sang back.

"Give me a half hour, Wilson."

"30 minutes, Barnes. See you later, Jo."

"Be safe birdman." Jo smiled as the line clicked. Bucky stuffed his phone back into his pocket and flashed a smile at her once more.

"Alright, I really gotta go before Big Bird has an aneurism." Bucky joked as she stepped out of the door frame, letting him pass her.

"Text me when you land?" She said as he looked back at her with a nod.

"Yes Ma'am." She grinned as he mock saluted her before unlocking her door, flashing her a cheeky grin as he stepped into the hallway. Buck pointed to the door, "Lock this behind me." He said his voice stern, his eyes soft.

"Will do, Sergeant." Josephine grinned at him as he took a second look over her, taking in her eyes, nose, and lips before smiling, it had been a while since she'd called him that.

"See you in a few days Doll." With that, Bucky turned and headed down the hallway. Jo smiled as she watched him for a moment, wanting so badly to just run up behind him, spin his toned body around and lay it on him. But instead, she shut the door, promptly locking it as instructed before sighing to herself, leaning her body against the door a smile playing across her lips.

He's gonna be the death of me.


A/N:  Sorry this chapter is so short! Just wanted a little bit of a filler cutesy chapter. The next few chapters like I mentioned, will be going back and forth between Bucky and Jo's POV. If it's not specified  at the beginning of the chapter, It is going to be Jo's POV. 

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