Chapter 33

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Soft beeping filled the room as hazel orbs slowly blinked open. Jo rolled her head to the side, finding the culprit of the noise. Machines and wires surrounded her, the beeping signifying the steadiness of her heartbeat. She rolled her head to the opposite side, large windows to her right that gave view to what looked like the jungle. Tall vine covered trees canopied over lush greenery. The sun was peeking through dewy leaves, making them sparkle.

Jo tried to push herself up slightly with her arms, using every ounce of strength she had left in her. The bruises around her wrists had turned a familiar shade of yellow green. Just one of the many bruises she assumed she had. Her head didn't feel so clouded anymore, just confused as to where she was. She took a moment to look around the room. Medical equipment filled the corners by her bed with a small couch in the corner. The walls were a white with a soft cream-colored pattern she couldn't quite make out.

She looked out of the window again as the door opened. "You gave Sergeant Barnes quite the scare." Jo's head snapped to the voice, a smile forming across her lips as the woman shut the door behind her.

"Shuri." Jo said with a breath. Bucky had taken her to the one place he knew she'd be absolutely safe and trusted with her life. She had spoken to Shuri only a handful of times and witnessed a heated video conference between her and Tony regarding what to do about Bucky all those years ago. "Where is Bucky?"

"He and Sam had some business to attend to, but not to fear, I've already alerted him that you are awake. They'll be back tonight." She sat herself onto the edge of Jo's bed. Hearing Sam's name caused her to let a sigh of relief leave her lips.

"They're both okay?"

Shuri nodded with a wide smile, "They're fine. Just some minor scrapes and bruising. Bucky is pretty much healed."

Jo could feel the tears filling her eyes as Shuri spoke, letting out a choked sob hearing that two of the most important people in her life were alive and fine. Shuri reached for her hand, taking it in her own as Jo shook her head. "I'm sorry..." She laughed through a sob, the tears now trickling down her cheeks.

"It's okay, Jo." Shuri whispered, "You've been through a lot, this kind of reaction is normal." She flashed Jo a sympathetic smile. "Can you tell me the last thing you remember? You took a pretty big hit to the head from what Sergeant Barnes said and from what I've seen of your scans, you're extremely lucky."

She let out a soft sigh, wiping her palms over her cheeks to rid them of the wetness. "Uhm—Well..." She stammered for a moment, "I remember talking to Bucky on the phone. I think I was getting parts for Sam's boat—" Shuri nodded, pulling a small device from her pocket, and pressing a button. Jo stopped and furrowed her brows at the gesture.

"It's just so we can keep track of your memories, that's all." Shuri smiled reassuringly. "If you don't feel comfortable with this though, we can stop."

Jo shook her head. "No, it's—it's okay."

Shuri nodded and set the device down onto the bed between them. Jo took a deep breath, wincing from the pain she felt expanding her chest. Shuri made a face before Jo waved her off. "I'm fine," her friend chuckled.

"Stubborn too, it seems." Jo playfully narrowed her eyes as Shuri laughed. "I'm sorry, please continue—the call with Bucky, the boat parts, what else?"

"I remember getting hit in the truck, but everything kind of blurs out from there until Bucky—and then the explosion." Jo had turned her gaze out towards the window once more, squinting softly as if it would help with the missing pieces.

"You don't remember anything from the accident until when Bucky and Sam arrived?" Jo didn't miss the slight hint of concern in Shuri's voice.

She sat quietly for a moment, before shaking her head. "I don't...I'm sorry." Her gaze met Shuri's once more as she reached to turn off the device, placing it back into her pocket.

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