Chapter 10

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A/N: I apologize for the length of this chapter! It's worth it. Trust me. ;D There just wasn't a great spot to cut it off and pick it up in Chapter 11. SOOOO... Be prepared <3 

Josephine's POV

"Shit, shit, shit." Jo muttered as she flipped off the burner, hot boiling water spilling over onto the stove. She lifted the pot, sighing at the puddle of hot pasta water that was gathering around the burner. She set the pot on the back burner and grabbed a towel, carefully trying to avoid burning herself.

Suddenly her apartment alive with the crooning of Louis Armstrong, La vie en rose filling the silence as she smiled picking up her phone. "Hey there soldier." She grinned softly, as she continued to wipe up the mess she had made, pressing the phone to her ear with her shoulder.

"Hey Doll." The smooth voice on the other end of the line sighed. Jo froze for a moment before setting down the towel sensing the reluctance in his voice after not hearing his usual tone.

"What is it?" She asked, panic starting to drip off her words. Bucky let out another breath, Speak Bucky, she could hear Sam coax in the background which she could only assume was met with a glare from Buck as he didn't speak right away.

"I have to ask you to do something for us."

"Okay...You're scaring me, James."

"Everything is fine, Jo. We need your help with this mission." His voice trailed off as she let out the breath she was holding followed by a soft laugh.

"Jesus Bucky, you gotta work on your deliv—"

"We need you to come to Berlin with us." He interrupted quickly almost as if he had to rush the words out of him before he changed his mind.

Jo leaned against her counter. "Berlin?"


"Berlin." She emphasized, hearing another sigh come from the other end of the line. "James. Are you sure that's a good idea? Can't Sam take someone else?"

"No, Jo. He can't. He would still need you anyway and I'm not letting you go alone." His tone soft as he spoke. Jo closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay. Fear trickled down her spine as she let out a shaky breath, "I have to do this Jo." Her eyes slowly opened, hearing the conviction in his voice, tainted by anger she nodded her head.

"Alright." She whispered.


"I'll help." She took a deep breath, gathering herself. "What do you need me to do?"

"Thank you." THANK YOU! She heard Bucky whisper followed by Sam yelling it in the background, a flicker of a smile flew across her lips before it was gone. "We're headed to the plane now. Can you be at the air force base in an hour?"

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