Chapter 8

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"It's about damn time." Sam whined as he looked down at his watch, tapping it.

"Wilson, I'm gonna rip that damn watch off your wrist if you don't stop." Bucky stated as he walked onto the ramped door of the plane. Sam chuckled as he took his place on one of the metal benches that lined the plane. As Bucky threw his bag down under the seat, and shorter dark-haired man walked up to him, saluting as he stood tall, hands firmly at his sides.

"Sergeant Barnes." He greeted in a very militant way that Bucky was not used to anymore. "I'm First Lieutenant Joaquin Torres at your service." Bucky gave him a nod of approval before taking his seat.

"Thanks Torres."

The man smiled briefly at Bucky before turning his attention to the two of them. "We're ready for take-off. Should be a short flight, roughly an hour or so." Torres crossed his hands behind his back as he nodded at the two men and stepped off the plane.

Bucky leaned his head back on the cold metal wall of the plane, closing his eyes, the image of Jo still vivid in his mind. Her auburn waves messily but perfectly framed her face, the soft mewls she made when sleeping and the way that she softly grasped at his shirt, almost as if pulling herself closer to him while she slept even though the space between them didn't exist. It was one of the best nights of sleep he had gotten in a long while and he wasn't sure if it was because he was at her place, or if it was because of her.

Sam cleared his throat as he crossed his arms. Bucky, keeping his head back opened one eye only to catch the glare Sam had been giving him. "What?" He asked closing his eyes once more.

"Long night?" Sam said, the glare he was giving Buck slowly turning into a grin.

"Nope." Bucky stated with a pop of the 'p'.

Sam chuckled. "Jo must have been very disappointed this morning then." Bucky lifted his head, fuck you littered in his eyes as he glared at Sam.

"Nothing happened."

"Really? She seemed awfully giggly." He said making tickly fingers at Bucky who rolled his eyes.

"That's because she thinks you're an idiot." Bucky smirked as Sam scoffed.

"Now that's just rude."

Bucky rolled his eyes before leaning forward folding his arms together. Would he even want anything to happen with Jo anyway? How would she feel? Does she even look at him like that? Who was he kidding? The image of her standing in her kitchen doorway with that look as she watched him said it all, but he didn't want to assume. They'd been friends for a very long time and the last thing he wanted to do was jeopardize that.

Torres poked his head out of the cock pit and looked at the guys. "We're ready for take-off guys, buckle up."

"Thanks Torres." Sam said getting himself strapped in, followed by Buck.

After they were in the air and leveled out, Bucky threw off his straps letting out a sigh as he intertwined his fingers. Thoughts of his morning began to fade into his fears of Hydra. The idea of this monstrosity still being around was enough to make him throw up. Bucky shifted in his seat, swallowing the lump in his throat. The idea of losing everything that he had been working towards, the time he had been putting into getting better for himself, was what he feared most. Forgetting everything, every memory he had gained back, forgetting Jo. Bucky could feel the bile coming up as he swallowed hard once more, attempting to hide any discomfort from Wilson.

Sam watched as Bucky shifted in his seat. "What's on your mind?"


"Don't lie to me Buck."

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