Chapter 22

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Time felt like a rubber-band as Jo watched Selby become lifeless. Slowly being pulled from her spot, muffled voices yelling her name had all been silenced. More shots were fired, suddenly snapping her back to reality. Bucky had pulled her over the couch, pushing her behind a wall, quickly disarming the man rushing towards her, arming himself with the assault rifle. He took his station on the edge of the wall, shielding Jo as Sam followed suit on the opposite side. "We're fucked." Sam said glancing at Zemo who huffed.


"Follow my lead and drop your weapons. We've got to get out of here."


Bucky did one last scan of the room before dropping the rifle, spinning around kneeling in front of Jo. "Hey. You good?" His voice soft as his eyes scanned her body for any injury unsure if the bullet that pierced Selby had gone through her and hit Jo. She wasn't sure how to answer. The adrenaline coursing through her had barely given her enough time to register what had happened.


"James, we need to go." Zemo pressed.


"I know," Bucky hissed, looking over his shoulder glaring at Zemo before turning back to Jo. He brought his hand to her cheek, wiping away a few splatters of blood that littered her face. "Jo, I need you to stand." He urged, "Can you do that?" Her eyes met his, his touch pulling her from the shock. She nodded and Bucky returned the nod. "Okay good." Shaky hands took his as he pulled her to her feet. Her autopilot mode took force as he pulled her along behind him. The four of them making their way back out to the street.


Cell phones began ringing through out the alley ways, creating a chorus of chimed threats. Eyes glaring as the group as they retreated. "What do we do now?" Sam asked.


"Get back to the loft." Zemo reassured. "We'll be safe there."


Bucky looked back feeling a tug on his arm as Jo glanced down at her feet, the heels she wore creating wobbly ankles as his pace quickened. He felt horrible, but they couldn't stop. She tried to keep up with him as his hand wrapped around her wrist. "Bucky..." Jo squeaked; her voice shaky as she slowed.


"I know, Jo. I'm sorry, just a little bit further." He said, in the best voice he could to encourage her. She nodded softly, mustering up whatever strength she had left from her calves beginning to burn to keep on.


Zemo nodded towards another vehicle, seeing Oeznik in the driver's seat. Shots rang out from behind them, all four ducked as they sprinted towards the car, Bucky yanking her in front of him and all but threw her into the backseat. "Keep your head down!" He yelled as screeching tires peeled them away from the fire. Glass shattered behind them as a bullet pierced through the back window. "Go!"


Jo's eyes squeezed closed as Bucky's body covered hers. As the vehicle sped down the road, the sounds of gunfire vanished. Bucky glanced behind them, before sitting back up releasing the grip he had on her. Jo however, stayed where she was. Her hunched position seeming safer than anything else at the moment as she tried to calm her breathing.


Eventually, the car stopped in an alley behind Zemo's home. "Quickly now." Zemo stated as he exited the vehicle, followed by Sam and Oeznik.


Bucky rested his hand over her back, "Josephine. Let's go inside." She slowly sat up, as he coaxed her out of the car. She climbed out of the vehicle, letting him pull her along with him into the loft. He pushed the door open, she could hear Sam already rambling on about how they were screwed, convincing himself of some new plan. She followed Bucky into the room, walking past Sam who stopped as he caught a glimpse of her.

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