Chapter 23

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Bucky let the door click behind him, stopping to calm his own nerves before facing whoever was still awake. He squeezed his eyes closed, hearing the quiet sobs start from behind the door and it took all his strength not to run back to her. He wanted to, he should've, but instead walked away. Prying his feet from the floor and forcing himself he walked back out into the main room wanting to find out what the hell happened.

Sam was laid down onto the couch, his eyes closed but grasping a short glass in his hand resting on his chest. Bucky walked past him to the bar, pouring himself his own drink. Downing the first and then pouring a second. A habit he acquired after realizing that one wasn't enough and two gave him the slightest of burn that he needed. He made his way to the opposite couch, throwing himself down with a sigh. "Where's Zemo?" He asked, suddenly realizing there wasn't any patronizing I told you so's being thrown his way.

Sam could feel the mixture of anger and anxiety radiating off Bucky. "Asleep, I'm assuming. He retired shortly after you two disappeared." Sam's eyes remained shut as he spoke. Bucky responded with a sip of his drink and a nod.

"What the hell happened out there Sam?" Bucky's question was one he knew Wilson wouldn't have the answer for, at least not yet anyway, that much he figured. But the worry that dripped from the words forced it out of him, nonetheless.

Sam opened his eyes, glancing over at his partner. "I don't know Buck. One moment Selby's a wealth of information and the next, she's dead and we're being framed for her murder."

"You think Selby was more involved with Dietrich than originally believed?"

"I don't know what to think. But someone knew she was spilling secrets and they learned fast enough to take her out before anymore beans were spilt." Sam sat up from his relaxed position and set his glass onto the coffee table.

Bucky stared into his own drink, contemplating what he'd said. "Selby was bugged and if that's the case, whoever had her bugged knows by now Jo isn't Francesca Barnes and who we are." Realizing the weight of what he'd said he looked up at Sam who was silently confirming their fears. Whoever killed Selby, knew they were close enough now to this and that only put more of a target onto Jo.

"What's the plan here Buck? We can't just go waltzing around Madripoor now banging down doors."

That was the thing, Selby had said Luka was headed for the states. Nothing in Madripoor at this point would be helpful enough and the longer they stayed, the more danger they were all in. Bucky downed his drink with a shrug. "We can't go home. That's the first place they'll come looking for us."

"Your home maybe." Sam said after a moment. "We could lay up in Louisiana for the time being. Jo could stay with Sarah for a bit while we figure this out." He said looking over to Bucky gaging a response to his suggestion.

"It's definitely safer than her apartment. There's no doubt in my mind they've figured out who she is now."

Sam nodded once again silently agreeing with him. The two both realizing how much of a risk they took bringing her here. He flashed Buck an empathetic look before picking his glass up once more. "How is she?"

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