Chapter 11

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Hearing Sam and Torres exit out of the hangar door, the two of them took a step back from each other. Jo turning away to get herself together as Bucky cleared his throat. "You two ready to go or what?" Bucky said in an attempt to distract the other two.

Sam rolled his eyes as they approached. "Calm down oldie." Torres covered his mouth to try and stifle a laugh, getting another glare from Buck. Jo turned around just in time to see the faces unfold as she patted Bucky's arm before turning and heading onto the plane.

"Let's do this, boys." She yelled over her shoulder as Sam shook his head with a laugh.

After they had gotten settled on the plane, Torres began walking around checking off his safety list as Jo sat down next to Bucky. She glanced up at him, his eyes already on her. He flashed her a smirk before looking away, Jo letting out a soft laugh as Sam glared at them from across the bench opposite them. He raised a finger and narrowed his eyes, "What's up with you two?" he questioned, pointing between them.

Bucky and Jo both looked up at Sam. "Nothing." Both said in unison, eliciting a raised brow from Sam as his eyes darted between the two.

"Nothing is up." Jo said as she sat back in the seat, crossing her legs as she glared back at Sam. The two stared at each other for a moment. Bucky glanced at Sam whose eyes were narrowed onto Jo, not blinking. He glanced over, Jo returning the same stare back at Sam.

"Are you two having a staring contest?"

"Shh, Buck he's almost broke." Jo said, her eyes still focused on Sam, unblinking. Within a few seconds, Sam widened his eyes as if trying to keep them open. Jo bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing as Bucky shook his head watching the two. "Go ahead, Sammy. I know you want to blink. Its okay buddy." She taunted as she leaned forward, not breaking eye contact. A tear fell from Sam's eye before he blinked a few times. "HA!" Jo laughed.

Sam rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "You cheated."

Jo scoffed. "I did not cheat. How could I have cheated?"

"You... you blew air into my eyes! Yes. That's it." Sam snapped and pointed at her in an AH-HA moment as Bucky chuckled shaking his head.

"You're a sore loser, Wilson." Bucky laughed and shook his head.

Sam scoffed as Torres approached them. "Whatever man." He pointed at Jo once more who grinned at him, "I want a rematch."

"Time and place Birdman. Time and place." Jo winked over at him as Torres let out a small chuckle, Bucky flashing him a look, Jo discretely elbowing his side. She'd never seen Bucky jealous over someone giving her any amount of attention before. She had no interest in Joaquin, he was no match for the flutters of butterflies and warmth she got every time she so much as looked at Bucky. Such a simple gesture, his eyes meeting hers, flashing his million-watt smile that only she got to witness most of the time, but it was something so little that she appreciated about him.

Bucky elbowed her back playfully as the two shared another mischievous smile as Sam cleared his throat, looking up at Torres who had done a quick scan over his checklist once more. "Alright guys, we're ready to go. Once we're leveled, you guys can wander about. I'd recommend getting some sleep though," Torres glanced down at his watch, 8:57pm, "We should be landing in Berlin by tomorrow evening."

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