Chapter 25

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A/N: Hi friends! Thank you so so much for reading so far. We're about 5-10 chapters away from the ending and I still can't believe we've gotten this far.

This chapter is looong, so buckle up, grab a snack and enjoy the ride as Jo, Bucky, and Sam all make their way to Lousiana. <3

Zemo stood on the stoop of his home, looking back at a life he was about to leave once more. Ozenik stepped into the entry way, a sad smile formed over the old man's face as the two stepped forward to embrace. Jo was leaned against the large SUV, watching them. She knew the horrible things Zemo had done but watching two old friends saying goodbye, felt like a kick in the chest to her. She took in a sharp inhale before opening the car door and sliding into the backseat.

After a few moments, Sam, Bucky and Zemo all climbed into the vehicle. Sam drove with occasional directions from Zemo. Bucky had climbed into the seat next to Jo, glancing over at her taking her hand in his, their fingers intertwining. Her eyes met his for a moment, giving him a reassuring look and a gentle squeeze of his hand. They no longer felt the need to hide the hand holding and closeness that had occurred since he'd called Shuri. Sam had commented on how gross they were, but his smirk said otherwise. Jo knew he was happy for them, even if he had continued to tease Bucky with the word 'Boyfriend'. She didn't need a definition of whatever their relationship was moving into. All she wanted was Bucky.

"We're here." Sam's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Jo let out a sigh and followed Buck out of the car. She smiled, seeing Torres salute Sam, then Bucky. A soft laugh escaped her lips when he geekily waved over at her. Bucky's grip on her hand tightened briefly. She leaned into his bicep, gripping it softly with her other hand. "Be nice." She muttered, only loud enough for him to hear. Bucky frowned down at her; she was beaming up at him with a raised brow. He nodded with a soft huff as they approached the plane.

"We have company guys." Sam pointed towards a group of women, all standing tall with polished silver spears in their right hands. Bucky had stopped in his tracks, making eye contact with one of the women.

"It's good to see you, Ayo."



"I'd wish to see you on different circumstances, White Wolf." The woman spoke, her voice boomed with authority, but was silk at the same time. The woman's eyes met Jo's for a brief moment before flicking down to their connected hands. A smile briefly tugged at the corner of her lips, it was so slight Jo would have missed it if she wasn't so enamored with them all.


Bucky nodded at her words. "I know." Ayo stepped forward, approaching Josephine. She was much taller than Jo's five-foot six stature.


"Is this her?" Ayo glanced from her to Bucky who grinned down at Josephine.




"Mmm." She hummed, her eyes studying Jo.


Jo looked up at Ayo. "Josephine Rogers."


"Rogers?" She asked with a raised brow.


"Steve's sister." Bucky stated, giving Jo's hand a gentle squeeze as she shifted on her heels at the mention of her brother.


Ayo nodded, "Your brother was a great man. We are sorry for your loss." Jo smiled weakly as all three women bowed their heads in condolences.

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