Chapter 14

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18+ Warning


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.


Bucky could hear the vibration from his phone shake the night stand next to his head. He lifted his hand pressing the side button as he rolled himself over, feeling warmth next to him as he moved. He turned his head, seeing Jo still asleep. Her body angled in the bed as if she was a magnet gravitating towards him. The blanket pulled up to her chin as she breathed soft snores through her parted lips. He carefully rolled over, trying to get a better view but not wake her.


Once he made his move, he smiled softly, her curls messy and strewed over the pillows. Over a hundred years with those curls and they were still as chaotically perfect as when they were kids. He let out a soft sigh, bringing his hand up slowly and tentatively pushing the hair out of her face, trying to be as gentle as he could be. Bucky's brute force was a problem and sometimes he forgot his own strength, but with Jo, he always made it a point to be gentle, in whatever he was doing.


His mind flashed to the night of his nightmare and the handprint that bruised her wrist. Bucky squeezed his eyes closed, trying to block out his guilt and not ruin this tiny sliver of peace he was feeling with her next to him. Jo shifted causing him to open his eyes, still asleep. He thought as he watched her.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.


Bucky flung his arm back over to his phone, looking at the caller ID to see Sam "Falcon" Wilson, he wasn't sure why Sam had quoted his nick name, like he'd forget who he was. Bucky answered with a hushed, "What?" As a chuckle came through from the other end.


"Good morning, Buckaroo."


"Don't call me that." He said rolling to his side and sitting up.


"Why not?"


"Because it's weird. What do you want?" His voice still low.


Another chuckle. "Visitation was approved with Zemo. We meet him in a few hours. Torres wanted to get Jo set up with a laptop and some other shit."


Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose as he listed to Sam. "I'll let her know."


"Okay. We'll get her set up in our room and go from there."


"Anything else?"


"Yeah. Do I have a godson or daughter on the way or what?"


"I hate you."


Sam's laugh echoed through the phone. "No, you don't. How was it though? First time since the 40's, right?"


"I'm hanging up now.  We'll see you in a few hours."


"Wait! Buck—" With that Bucky hung up.


He set his phone back down on the nightstand, rubbing his face with his warm hand letting out a sigh.

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