Chapter 9

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Bucky's POV

"You sure this is the right address?" Bucky looked out of the window of the car they were in, staring at the small run-down home they were parked in front of. The home was smaller than his apartment and the windows boarded over. Bucky narrowed his eyes as he observed the overgrown yard, what looked to be paint peeling from the siding and camera? Bucky squinted his eyes noticing a small flashing red light poking through one of the spaces in between the boards in the window closest to the front door. "We got eyes on us." He said doing a quick scan of the houses around.

"Huh?" Sam said leaning forward as he scanned the house as well, noticing the light after a few seconds.

"One of us should go. The other stay back and canvas the neighborhood." Bucky suggested as he looked to Sam who was already shaking his head.

"Not a good idea. We don't know what's waiting on the other side of that door. We stick together, I'll send Red-Wing." Sam was already grabbing around in his bag as Bucky protested.

"No. Eyes on the ground."

"No. We stick together."

"Fine. I'll go talk to her. You canvas."


"Sam." Bucky retorted, door already open and his body already outside of the vehicle before Sam could say anything more.

"Damnit Barnes."

Bucky cautiously approached the home, glancing up and down the street as he opened the gate to the chain-link fence that surrounded the yard. He began up the walkway before freezing, seeing movement in one of the smaller windows. Hearing a slight buzzing noise, looked up and noticed Red-Wing already over the house.

"Nothing so far." Sam whispered as he walked up behind Bucky, who instinctively flinched not noticing him approach at all.

"Jesus Sam." His partner laughed under his breath as he shook his head.

"Quit being a baby."

Bucky rolled his eyes, mocking Sam as they approached the front door.

"You're a child." Sam lifted his hand, rapping on the door twice, listening for any unusual movement from the other side.

"You're a child."

The two looked at each other briefly as the door handle clicked, the sound of the door unlocking, one lock, two locks, three locks. Bucky counted as the door cracked open.

"Who is it?" A quiet raspy voice came from the other side.

"Ma'am, my name is Sam Wilson. We spoke very briefly on the phone about your grandson. Brandon?" Sam flashed his comforting toothy grin as the door opened a touch more.

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