Chapter 32

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A/N: Same Trigger Warnings as last Chapter. 

It's been four hours since Sam spoke to Torres last and still no update. Sam had called Sarah and booked a hotel room in the city for them for tonight with instructions to not leave the room under any circumstances unless either Bucky or himself were there. She was confused at first but when Sam filled her in, Sarah agreed and prayed that Jo would be okay.

Bucky was pacing around the yard back at the house. He had to keep moving. His feet stomping over every graphic image of what HYDRA did to him when he tried to fight back. In fear that she would be put to the same. He knew Jo. She would fight back. She was fiery and had a smart mouth on her when riled up. He also knew that she'd use it to hide her fear, which only made him angrier. The thought of anyone harming her sent him into blind un-calculated rage and that's not what she needs right now. She needs him levelheaded, and he needs a plan. Louisiana is a dense bayou. Deep marshes, overgrown trees and countless threats all worked against trying to find her.

Sam stepped off the porch, watching Bucky carve a path in the grass beneath his boots. His brow furrowed creating that crease between his eyes. He wanted to keep telling Bucky it was going to be okay. That she would be okay. But the truth was, Bucky knew better than anyone what People like Luka were like. One end goal for their own revenge, not caring about anything or anyone lost in the wake of their destruction.

Bucky's phone dinged in his pocket causing him to stop in his tracks. His body froze, eyes glancing back to Sam. It could be Torres, please for the love of fuck let it be him. He pulled his phone from his pocket. Bucky chest tightened seeing the cause of the ping. His eyes widened for a moment looking back up at Sam who was now by his side, peering over his shoulder.

Jo's name had popped up on the screen, a text message with a video attached.

"I cant—" Bucky stared back down at the phone, the words leaving his lips while his fingers unlocked the screen, bringing the video to full view. Sam's hand grasped his shoulder, squeezing gently.

"You sure you want to watch this?" He asked.

Bucky didn't respond. He had to know if she was alive. Knowing full well that this video could have been taken previously and that she... Even if it was the last time, he might ever see her, his finger hovered over the screen. He tapped it and her body came into view.

"What you're doing isn't going to help anyone, Luka." Her voice crackled through the speaker of his phone as she spoke. Her voice was rasped as if she'd been screaming for hours.

Bucky sucked in a sharp breath hearing her voice as he dropped to the ground. Sam dropping with him as he held onto Buck's shoulders. His body in a crouch as he clutched the phone in his right hand, vibranium cupped over his mouth to hold back a sob.

Her body was wrecked, and he could see the exhaustion plastered on her face even under the blood and sweat. She was strapped to a chair, wrists weakly writhing to try and break free. He could hear footsteps on what sounded like metal floor.

A figure stepped into view behind her. The bald man stepped under the light, the glint of a steel blade he was holding catching Bucky's gaze. The man's fingers twisted into her hair, forcing her head to the side. Jo whimpered at the action causing Bucky's jaw to twitch.

"Your brother and his friends took everything from me." Luka's thick Russian accent spat from behind the camera. "Now I will do the same."

The bald man leaned forward, his long arms reaching around her. He brought the blade down onto her thigh, right above her knee. She bit back a scream but as he twisted the blade, she couldn't hold it in any longer. Her fists balling up from the pain, until they weren't anymore, and her body went limp. Passing out from the pain. Bucky felt the bile in the back of his throat again, but this time he couldn't swallow it back. Sam grabbed the phone from his hand as he leaned forward, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the yard.

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