Chapter 29

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A/N: This chapter is going to kind of explain a few things from Jo's past. It also is going to deal with anxiety as well, so please be aware. Lot's of emotions. Lot's of realizations as well.

Thank you again for being patient with me. <3


Bucky's brows furrowed, listening to the words coming out of her mouth. So that was what this was about. The fact that 80 years had been stolen from them. Steve had gotten that chance back when he decided to go back to Peggy. When he explained his reasons why, Bucky couldn't fault him for it. He knew that if the roles were reversed and he had a chance to redo everything. He would. Especially if it meant a life with Jo. He remembers the day in the bookstore she dreamed about. It was one of the memories he was blessed enough to keep. He knew that she couldn't tell that he had been serious then. Bucky never told a soul about his feelings towards Jo. Mainly because Steve would have probably tried to kill him if he ever acted on anything. But it's why he encouraged her to enlist. Half a world and a whole ocean away from her was too far.

If only they had made it through the war. If he had never fallen off that fucking train.

He still wonders what happened to the dainty diamond ring he used to keep hidden in the bottom of his duffle.

I just know that I don't want to lose you.

Her words echoed through him.

"I don't want to lose you either." The words left his lips, her hazel eyes meeting his. He felt his fingers intertwine with hers. "I've been going from one fight to the next for the past 80 years, Jo. I want peace. I found some of that in Wakanda, but it felt empty."

She frowned, "Why?" Her voice sounded small, almost as if she was afraid to ask.

He chuckled lowly. "Because you were in Brooklyn."


Jo took her bottom lip between her teeth in effort to keep her emotions at bay.


"I said I didn't know what I wanted before because I don't want my life to be planned out. My life with HYDRA was planned out down to what I ate if I was even allowed to. I didn't have any control over my life. I have the control now, I want my life with you but Jo, I can't plan everything out." He watched her head fall. Metal fingers hooking under her chin, lifting her gaze back to his. "I hope you understand but please don't ever doubt my feelings for you."


Jo nodded softly. "I understand, Buck."


Bucky smiled lopsidedly. "After we finish this shit with Luka and we go back to Brooklyn, I think we should talk about the living situations."


"Like live together?" Her eyes twinkled looking up at him.


He chuckled. "Yeah, Darlin'. Like live together." 


Her cheeks went pink at the idea.


"I'd like that." She whispered.


He brought his knuckles to her cheek, brushing them along her skin before bringing his lips to hers. The kiss was soft, slow and she could feel herself melt into him. She pulled away slightly, his forehead resting on hers as she caught her breath. Jo giggled softly causing his shoulders to shake. "I better get back to the house."

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