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These fields feel all too familiar to her

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These fields feel all too familiar to her. The white stones that line the hillsides and the orange and red changing leaves that sprinkle the ground all feel like a long lost acquaintance. Tiny fingers hold on tight to her own, connected to little arms that swing back and forth as they trek their way through the granite breadcrumbs. Even after all the time that has passed, Jo recognizes some of the names, friends from before that never fail to lead her back to her brother.

Five years has passed since she's been here and though she hasn't seen Steve's figment since the wedding, she still remembers him just as clearly. The crisp autumn breeze nips at her cheeks and the tip of her nose as they reach their destination. Jo glances over at Bucky, his jaw is tense but she can see the softness behind his silver eyes as they scan the headstone. It was his idea to visit Steve today. He had said that enough time had passed and that the anger he held wasn't worth making her come alone, not after everything they had been through.

"Daddy?" Her little voice breaks through the fall air. "This is Uncle Steve?" Stevie asks as she tugs her hand away from Jo, brushing back the strawberry blonde hairs that had fallen from her buns, away from her face.

Bucky huffs a laugh before kneeling down in front of their four year old, pressing a kiss into her hair. "Kind of, sweetheart."

"But it's a rock." She questions, her brows furrow in curiosity. "How can Uncle Steve be a rock?"

Bucky glances up at Jo, unsure how to answer the question. Stevie tends to do that, rendering him speechless with questions that even at 111, are still hard to answer. Jo gives him a sympathetic look. "This is just a way for us to visit him, baby." She explains, "We can leave him flowers and talk to him–"

"Will he talk back?" Stevie asks again and Bucky's blue eyes flick to Jo's. She can feel his gaze on her and even though it's been years without an incident, Jo knows he still worries about her.

Jo brushes back the fallen tendrils of hair from her face, "No sweetheart, he just listens."

A small smile spreads across her tiny plump lips, "Oh," she says as if it suddenly clicks with her. Amber eyes scan the area around them before peering back up to Bucky, "I want to find the biggest leaf for Uncle!"

Bucky lets out a sigh of relief before chuckling, "Alright pumpkin, go for it. Stay close."

"Okay punkin!" She repeats, making them both laugh as she runs for the closest color changing tree to Steve's headstone. Jo and Bucky both can still see her from where they're knelt and with Bucky's speed if anything were to happen, he'd be by her side in a minute. Stevie never runs too far off from them though. She's a curious child, wanting to know how any and everything works, asks a million questions that overwhelm them both at times, and is obsessed with staring at the stars. She's stubborn and hard headed at times, just like her Uncle and gives Bucky a run for his money.

When they found out they were having a girl, Jo was ecstatic. Bucky however sat on the edge of their bed with wide eyes, staring at the carpet for a solid hour before he said anything. He was so scared that he wouldn't be able to connect with her. All he knows is guns and knives and tools. Boy things, as he called them. He knew nothing about tea parties, barbies and princess dresses and that terrified him. It broke Jo's heart to see the man she loves go from being elated at the thought of their child, so absolutely fearful that he'd never be able to have a solid foundation with her or relate to things she would want to do.

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