Chapter 3

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Two Days Later

"Sam, I already told you, I haven't seen him." Jo pressed the phone to her ear with her shoulder. She was partially telling the truth. She hadn't seen Bucky since the morning after his nightmare, he apologized to her for the twentieth time before leaving. Since then, it had been radio silence.

"You're not just saying that? Because I know you two." Sam said on the other line.

"Cross my heart." She retorted as she stirred the pot of sauce. "You're coming for dinner tonight still?"

"Are you kidding? I'd never miss spaghetti night." The two laughed as she leaned against the counter, letting out a soft sigh. The line went silent for a moment, "I gotta go, if I hear from Bucky, I'll let you know, and I'll see you tonight, okay?"

"Sounds good Birdman." She said with a smile as she returned to the pot as Sam chuckled before disconnecting the line.

A little while later Sam knocked on Jo's door. "Come in!" She yelled as Sam turned the knob, letting himself in.

"Woah, smells amazing in here." He said, closing the door behind him as he walked down the small entry hallway.

"Thanks! Pasta just got done, so I apologize for the lack of greeting." She said with a small chuckle as she placed the hot pan back down on the stove. Jo wiped her hands and smiled at him as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"It's all good, you're feeding me. I'll forgive you this time." Sam teased looking down at her as she let out a giggle.

"Have you heard from Bucky?" She asked as the two released each other.

"No. But I doubt I'd be the first person he calls." He said lifting the spoon dedicated to stirring her famous sauce and tasting it. She stirred the pasta making sure they didn't stick.

"I guess you're right." She trailed off as Sam looked at her, setting the spoon back down.

"Jo, what happened? You two spend every day together and you haven't even had a phone call from him." Sam questioned. Jo turned, dumping the pasta back into the pot she'd placed on the stove. She placed the strainer back into the sink and sighed, Sam now leaning against the counter with his arms crossed.

"Bucky had a nightmare the last time he was here. I woke up to him talking in his sleep and when I tried to shake him out of it, he grabbed me."

Sam stood straight, dropping his hands as he looked over her body. "What do you mean he grabbed you?"

Jo reluctantly held out her arm, revealing the developed bruise around her wrist. The dark purple shade had begun turning a putrid yellowish green shade. Sam held her hand as he looked over the discoloration, making out the imprint of fingers and a palm.

"He didn't do it on purpose, and I know it wasn't him. I think it honestly scared him more than it did me." She said looking up at Sam as she pulled her hand away from him. "I'm just worried about him. I see him every day. It's weird not seeing him." Sam ran a hand over his face and sighed.

"So, you think he's disappeared?" He asked looking over her. "Like Sokovia?"

"No, not like Sokovia. I think he's scared that Wakanda didn't really work." She shrugged looking back at him.

"Do you think it did?"

"Yes. But in the sense that he can't be controlled anymore. I know he still lives with the trauma of what he went through. Hence the nightmares." Jo crossed her arms over her chest.

"I mean, that makes sense. Have you called his therapist?"

"Therapist?" She asked looking at him, confused. "I didn't realize he was still in therapy. I thought the conditions of his release were fulfilled."

"You didn't know? He's never stopped going as far as I know and since his conditions are still required, if he misses a session his warrant goes live again." Sam paused for a moment, "If he hasn't called either of us to bail him out, then he's probably still going."

Jo covered her face, shaking her head in disbelief. Why wouldn't he tell her that he's still in therapy? Why let her believe he was finished with it? And Why the hell hasn't he called. "He was an assassin Sam, if he doesn't want to be found, he won't be." She dropped her hands walking out of the kitchen into the living room to look over her phone. Still nothing.

"Look, I'm sure he's fine." Sam followed her trying to be reassuring. "You're his family. He's not going to take leaving a mark on you lightly, even if you already have forgiven him. It's not about that for him. He won't forgive himself for the things he's done, especially if he does it to you. You just have to give him time." Sam rested his hands on her shoulders as she looked up at him from her phone.

Knowing he was right, Jo let out a groan. "I just wish he would talk to me."

"He does talk to you. More than most people." Sam chuckled pulling her into a hug. Jo wrapped her arms around his waist. "He'll turn up. Just give him time." Jo nodded against his chest before letting him go. Sam gave her a comforting smile before clapping his hands together. "So, what's the deal with that sauce?" He gave her a cheeky grin before heading back into the kitchen. Jo laughed, following him as the two made up their plates and enjoyed their dinner. 


Hopefully you have enjoyed the story so far! Again, any feedback is welcome. Please feel free to leave comments! Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

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