-Magneto 2.0- ²³

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"I examined your blood sample from yesterday, and I found out that different parts of your blood cells have different molecules that differ and can be examined separately for possible examination." Said Tony sounding all that bit of the genius in him. I guess when talking about serious matters, Tony can actually discuss such things without the shits and giggles he likes to have on a day to day basis. Actually be a toletarable person.

He liked to separate serious shit from his usual playful antics, for that you respected it and did the same and separated the asshole in Tony to the guy speaking with you right now about work.

You nodded slowly, taking it all in. "This all seems too good to be true, what's the catch?" Tony let out a small smile at your comment.

"Good memory sport. Bad news is that possible examination for each cell might be difficult, possibly risky, and might not show much about the powers. So it's a give or take."

"And there it is. Did the slow cells, or whatever we're calling them done anything?" He shook his head no.

"Unfortunately no, the cells seem to be just the same, not giving away anything about the others." You blow out your cheeks, releasing a breath.

"Yikes, it's gonna take a lot of trial and error isn't it?"



"What did Stark say about your powers?" Nat said, sending a punch your way, you ducked quickly and answered her question.

Steve handed the physical training to Nat. You would have her every Monday and Tuesday, while Wanda had Thursday and maybe Friday, depending on what she has in store for you.

"Well let me just tell you that, it's going to be an awful trial and error trying to go about the powers scientifically." She stopped her punches and straightened her spine.

"What if we try a bunch of this to maybe activate your powers?" She asked.

You thought about it, maybe that could work, if science can't make the process go faster, maybe a bit of experimentation can speed it up.

"You know what, that could work."


"Try to touch the fire." Fire came out of a hole in the wall, right in front of you.

After discussing to Tony Nat's idea, he immediately made you stand in a room and asked you to do a bunch of stuff, like now, trying to make you touch fire, to find out if you were resistant to it in any way.

Your hand hesitantly got closer and closer to the fire, the heat warming you up and a burning sensation being more evident the closer you got.

"Nope can't do this," you said at the last moment, your hands went back to your side, facing the reinforced glass where the team stood, watching and documenting you.

A clipboard was perched on Tony's arm, securely held by his hand, while the other held a pen.

Being intentionally burnt isn't in your agenda today.

"Oh come on, don't you want to know if you could control fire?" Tony protested.

"I felt the heat Tony! If I put my hand through there I'll get burnt!" You yelled back.

He rolled his eyes and grumbled the next experiment.


You dumbfoundedly stared at the metal in front of you, "I think I would know if I was a human magnet Anthony."

"They have a point Tony." Thor said right beside Nat with his arms crossed over his chest watching as things unfold like the rest.

"Come on just try to move it." Tony was intent on this, ignoring Thor.

You huffed out a puff of air and tried to move the damn thing.

Tried to see if you could have any magnetic field or sound waves...?

I don't how this whole thing works alright!

Minutes pass and not even a small screech of a move follows your notions of attempts.

You exhaled the breath you held, your hand dropping along with, "nope, nothing Tony."

"Damn, I thought you could be Magento 2.0 or something. Next!"


"Try freezing the water."

You didn't even try to protest this time, it would be to no avail.

You exhale a sigh and dip your hand in the bowl of water in front of you.

"Oh my god." Tony dramatically gasps and covers his mouth not even 5 seconds into the experiment.

"What? What is it?" You asked frantically.

"Nothing happened." Nat smacked the back of Tony's head.

The billionaire laughed in return, "Fuck you Tony." You said and crossed your arms and shook your head. "This isn't working."

"Yeah you're right" Tony responded to you.

"I'll get back to the cells, in the meantime you can go back to not-flirting flirting with Loki."

Like I said, sometimes he can be tolerable, but he's definitely still an ass.


"So? How was everything down there with the retched superheroes?" Loki welcomed with a faux cheery voice.

A small chuckle left your lips, "oh it was horrible, it seems they have done experiments on thee." You dramatically fell down on the couch right beside him, with the back of your hand on your forehead.

He laughs along with you until it dies down, "No, but seriously, we just did experiments, testing water, fire...metal...you know all that gist."

He looks at you for a few seconds, weighing his words, almost like he's...nervous for his next words.

He adjusts himself on his seat, clearing his throat. His eyes fixated on his lap, "Yes, well, I do hope it wasn't too bad, at least enough for...possibly a date?"

He looks back up at you. You were taken aback, that was such a sudden question in a perfectly normal start of a sentence, and then ending in a proposal of a date?

The freak dude, you can't do that!

I mean I would say yes but my mouth is dry, I'm completely stunned.

There isn't anything that would really pull my answer into a no, if you completely regard the fact that we're both in a cell, he's a villain, tried to take over the world, me, being framed for his attempt, but other than that we're good.

His eyes stay at yours, waiting dreadfully for that answer.

Patience becoming more thin, and palms becoming sweaty, heart beating out of his chest, mind racing with overthinking thoughts.

After what seemed to be hours, you swallowed and cleared your throat, "I- why not? Sure."

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