-Ultron- ¹¹

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"You're worthy," Thor mumbled, you chuckled nervously for some reason, a bead of sweat trickled down your neck, cold air suddenly replaced the drunk, hazy, demeanor just minutes- if not seconds ago.

A loud piercing ring that sounded like a squeak from a speaker suddenly made itself announced. The thumps of metal footsteps came limping to the group, leaving oily residue footprints behind.

"Worthy," the sound of it changing, sounding like it's adjusting to the right gears and settings, but with the unfinished work, it still spoke nonetheless.

The group turned to the grumble and saw a metal- robot like figure, the strings, wires, metal scraps of said figure was hanging loosely on it, almost looking like it would barely walk let alone talk. It looked like it was made out of the former shell of Tony's recent creations.

The mask rigid and at some places torn and almost looked shredded, a faint glow of a reactor on his barely covered chest. Every step was with a limp, the legs not quite straight and postured. The arms, a right one almost hitting that normal bend, while the other one was close to the chest, almost like cradling the thing.

Oils dripped down, flickering off of the cables and dropping to the floor, "No," a few more turns and it showed itself to us, "how can you be worthy, you're all killers," the left hand weakly gestured to all.



The group just stood, watching this unfold, looking closely and carefully on this unsuspected visitor incase it did something.

"I'm sorry I was asleep...or I was a dream," he continued, his head tilting upwards at his words.

Tony looked away momentarily, "reboot-" he turned to his device, "-Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit."

"There was this terrible noise-" he says with the cut off, unfinished hand hovering on the head as if he has a terrible headache. "-and I was tangled in...in...strings."

"Had to kill the other guy, he was a good guy-" this sudden intruder went on and on.

"You killed someone?" Cap's brows furrowed at the words.

"Wouldn't have been my first call, but down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices," he grumbled.

"Who sent you?" Thor asked.

A whirring sound started, "I see a suit of armor around the world."

Tony's voice echoed through, you looked at him to see the slight demise in his features.

"Ultron." Bruce announced.

"In the flesh- or no not yet, not this chrysalis. But I'm ready." Everyone seemed to snap out of the frozen like state a while ago and looked around at each other, readying themselves for battle.

Battle. Even in a party there's still fighting left and right. When will this repetitive cycle end? The cycle of fighting. Heroes are in this world and yet situations like these are still present, never catching a break from the 'crime fighting'.

"I'm on mission."

"What mission?'

It turned to everyone and stood still, paused before saying, "peace of our time."

With that rogue bots came bursting through from the lab attacking your group, some fought with their respective weapons already in hand, whilst some ducked from the shattered glass and tried finding a weapon of their own.

Chaos everywhere, each member was fighting at least one of the robots.


"We are here to help,"

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