-Bargain- ³⁵

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"And there is the last of it." You sighed as you fix the last piece of clothing in the drawers and plopped down on the soft massive bed with a happy groan. You spent the past week customizing and moving your stuff in the new room that was technically the old room you stayed in before you were placed in the cell but back then, it was just a bland grey guest room,

You rest your eyes for a bit and felt the bed move as Nat sat down next you, one of your eyes peeked out to her.

"How are you going to manage to sneak back to him and also sneak back here without anyone noticing?" She asks.

You prompt yourself up to meet her eye level. "Well you see this is where you come in and help me," you said smiling innocently back at her.

"I didn't agree to anything," she said and was quick to her feet as she was already heading to the door.

"Oh come on, you helped me confess so technically you had a hand in our relationship, therefore you have to help me after all the gossip and slow burn I spoke to you about us." You pleaded with her. You couldn't do this on your own, well, you could with the help of your powers but come on where's the fun in that?

"I helped you confess, doesn't mean I have to help you with this relationship crisis." She hummed and fully left the room. As the doors slid close you collapsed back on the bed, thinking of ways to past through Stark's security and hope that nobody would see.

You sighed and tried to concentrate on your memory for every weak point the cell has so when all of a sudden you feel your body become lighter and appear in the cell's living room with a thud. You open your eyes in confusion and blink a few times checking your surroundings making sure you were actually in the cell.

"Y/n?" You hear Loki ask. You look up to him and stand still looking confused like a lost dog or something. He gently touched your arm, reassuring you. "Are you alright? And more importantly did you just teleport in here?"

You nodded hesitantly not sure what to say, you didn't even know yourself what happened. "I think I did, I'm not sure how or if my whole existence is even real anymore," you said almost topping over but was caught by Loki and seated you on the couch.

Placing your hand on your head from the slight headache the teleporting gave you, you take deep breaths attempting to calm down and come to your senses. Loki helped you the best he could as he handed you a glass of water. Giving him a 'thanks', you still try to comprehend what just happened. "Love you need to relax," he said rubbing small circles at your back soothingly.

"How the hell can I when I just fucking teleported..." You muttered from the glass of water. Your mind started to zone out as Loki tried to catch your attention.

You snapped out of your dazed and faced him. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to process, it's just that I can barely wrap my mind on the whole stopping time and all the other stuff, now this, teleportation..." The whole situation slowly sinking in.

"It's alright, I understand the overwhelming pit in your stomach that comes with wielding powers, but you do remember that I can teleport too right?" He reminded you.

Your eyes widen in realization, "you can teach me," you said excitedly and shook him slightly.

"I would love to Darling but locked up in a cell remember?" He said gesturing to the whole room.

"Oh yeah right..." You pondered when you suddenly kissed him on the cheek and stood up, leaving him stunned at your random burst of energy and motive.

"Where are you going?" He asked when you were about to leave the cell. "Don't worry about it." You said lastly before the door completely shut close.


*Knock knock*

"Come in," you heard Stark say and entered his office. You see him with scattered blueprints dispersed in messy bundles on his desk. He raised his head and turn his attention to you. "Oh hey kid, need something?"

You bit your lip trying to collect the proper words and make a sentence, enough for him to be convinced. "Actually yeah I kind of do," he gestured for you to continue.

"So, good news, I discovered another power. I can teleport...Yey." You said with jazz hands, trying to soften the blow of your request.

His eyes widened and shock replaced his features, standing up and giving you a quick hug. "Wow kiddo that's amazing, how'd you do it?" He asks, a slight heat made it back up your cheeks and racked your mind to say something without telling him that you teleported back in the cell because you wanted to see Loki again.

"Tell you later?" You said, he nodded hesitantly.

"So what do you need?" He asked.

"Well since I can teleport now and in need of someone to train me..." He nodded slowly trying to see your point.

"Can Loki train me? Like I don't know take him out of his cell?" You blurted as casual as you can. He looks at you like you have three heads.

"You know I can't do that, his po-."

"His powers are too strong blah blah blah, but you can bind his powers right?" He nodded and let out a sigh.

"Come on Tony, do you know anyone else that can teleport and teach me?" He shook his head. "See, and I promise I won't let him escape."

"Fine, but I'm only giving you this one chance. If he fucks up that's it no more chances, and I'm only agreeing because we don't have other choices." He finally gave up, giving him a big hug and thanking him, you make your way out of his office and excitedly button for the cell level. You're practically jumping from the excitement. Once the doors opened you dashed your way into the cell.

"Loki!" You excitedly said and jumped into his arms, catching you.

"What in Valhalla has got you all hyper?" He asks smiling at your excitement.

"You're a free man now Loki Laufeyson, well sort of." He furrowed his brows at you in confusion.

"What ever do you mean?" He asked.

"Well you're free to go, you can get out of the cell. There's a catch though," he rolled his eyes,

Of course there is, what is it?" He asked as he rubbed small circles on your waist.

"You have to be binded so you won't escape and you kind of have to teach me how to teleport." You sheepishly said.

"That is all?" You nod. "That doesn't seem hard, binding my powers may be a bit difficult when it comes to teaching you but we'll make it work won't we?" He said and snuggled in on you, placing soft kisses along your neck and collarbone.

"Of course we will, we're bad ass bitches who can do anything." You playfully said and grinned up at him when he lifted his head to meet your eyes.

He nodded with a grin of his own, "bad ass bitches." He repeated and you smiled at him before connecting your lips.

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