Chapter 4: House mates

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After what felt like forever we made it to the dining room, as we approached it I could hear bickering, and some groans of what sounded like annoyance.

As we entered the room, it fell silent. At the table sat four boys of varying ages, one looked to be in his late 20's, the next in his early 20's, the third to be around my age and one that looked to be maybe a bit older than 10.

The one who looked to be in his later 20's had blue eyes, he seemed to be looking at her with more of a curious tint, the one in his early twenties also had blue eyes though they had more of a green hue to them then the first boy, his hair was tucked back a bit but I could see a white streak sticking out. I immediately reached for my hair in response, making sure to hide my surprise. I'm curious as to where he got that.

The other two younger boys had blue and green eyes, the one with green was staring at me like I was a piece of gum on the bottom of his shoe, and the other with blue eyes had dark bags under his eyes, though he wasn't looking at me all that harshly more like I was a specimen to be observed.

They watched me as I was seated down next to the eldest looking one. The room was uncomfortably quiet as Alfred said " I'll be right back with the food" Leaving me to drown in the awkwardness. Ironic am I right?

"Since no ones stepping up I guess I'll bite, who are you?" The one with the white strand said.

I looked down at my plate, I already felt out of place. Like I didn't click with the popular crowd and was being forced into the outskirts.

"I'm Persephone, Persephone Jackson. Though only people who wanna kill me call me that, so just stick to Percy"

The boys all looked at me with slightly widened eyes except for the youngest who didn't seem to care.

We went back to silence till Bruce entered the room. He sat down and looked around. "Boys I'd like you to meet Percy, she is my niece from my recently deceased sister." That's when they decided to speak up.

"SISTER?"- The eldest

"NIECE??"-white hair

"WHAT??"- smallest

"HUh??" - Sleep deprivation

"Boys!" This shut them up quickly. " Did you introduce yourselves yet?"

They seemed to finally realize and looked back at me.

They introduced themselves from oldest to youngest. " I'm Dick, nice to meet you" He seemed to have a genuine smile, so I gave him a small wave. The next started up " I'm Jason" Then the next "I'm Tim, nice to meet you" sleepiness seemed to be creeping into his voice. Finally the last "it's Damien, peasant" Jason then interrupted " But you can call him demon spawn" Damien's scowl seemed to deepen and if looks could kill Jason would be long gone. This started another argument.

They said other things but I was trying to tune them out, I didn't need to feel any more isolated.

I was thrown out of my concentration when the food arrived. Now don't get me wrong, it all looked totally spectacular but ever since Tar- the fall I haven't exactly been an all star in eating habits. In fact any semi large portion of food made me want to hurl. I gently reached out and took some of the mac & cheese. I only took a little and just kinda shoved it around my plate to make it seem like I was eating more than it looked, but I noticed Bruce looking over with a questioning look.

Was I seeming rude? Suddenly any sort of glance in my direction felt like I was being judged, like they were thinking 'look at this weakling' 'how rude, we take her in and she can't even seem to enjoy herself'.

I couldn't deal with that so I scooped more onto my plate and started to eat. This seemed to satisfy Bruce as he went back to focusing on his meal, after the first couple of bites I was full but there was still so much, and the others still had so much left as well. I glanced down at the food, the more I looked the more I felt the need to throw up. I couldn't be weak, I had to be strong, if not for me then for the ones back at camp. I started to eat more, the feeling of being fully rapidly turning into one of being overfed. Once I finished what was on my plate, I knew it was gonna come back up.

They all seemed to get a text at the same time but I couldn't care about that right now, my full focus was on not throwing up.

" May I be excused?" I didn't even wait for them to answer as I got up and ran towards my room. As I ran I could hear the chairs scooting out but I didn't pay attention to the voices, I sprinted.

Now remember when I said that I was gonna regret not memorizing the hallways, well I sure am regretting it now.

After a while I eventually found the room and as soon as I got into the bathroom I vomited. I knew that the food was wasted and I no longer had anything in my stomach, but I was used to it at this point. In that place me and A- her had to go days without proper food so one night wouldn't kill me.

There was a sudden knock at the door and I quickly brushed my teeth to get rid of the awful taste of the delicious mac & cheese that wasn't quite as delicious on the way back up. After I finished I answered "Yes?"

"Miss Persephone, is everything alright? You left dinner quite soon, was it not to your liking?"

I felt awful. I didn't want to make it seem like I was asking for too much, was I being rude? Mom would kill me.

" NO, I-I mean no, no everything is okay, dinner was delicious, I just really had to use the restroom" I tried using the most convincing voice though it came out more panicked.

"Alright, please tell me if you need anything" He didn't sound convinced but he left none the less leaving me in silence.


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