Chapter 8: Getting better

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One week later

I had been with the Waynes for a little over a week and I think I was finally starting to settle in. 

I had hit a routine. I would get up, help Alfred make breakfast, then I would eat (At least what I could) and clean up. After that my afternoons mainly consisted of me running around the manor, sometimes swimming when everyone was out, whether it be for errands, or school or work. Whatever it was they were out and couldn't see my scars. Though if someone were there I would usually just wander, sometimes I watched movies other times I would try and read, though that was a struggle within itself. Once the afternoon was up I'd skip lunch by making up an excuse like I was busy or I had eaten already, and afterwards I'd kill more time before dinner when everyone would come back, and we'd talk and then go to our rooms where sometimes I'd get sleep, It really depended on the dreams I got.

This particular night though we were all sitting at dinner talking and generally having a good time. These people truly did feel like family.

Bruce coughed a bit signaling we needed to be quiet cause he needed to say something.

"Percy, I think we need to supply you more personal items seeing as though I've seen that same outfit 4 times this week." I grinned sheepishly and scratched my neck. "Yeahhhhh" I said, my voice higher than usual and I could see Tim stifle a laugh. "But to continue, tomorrow I will have you go out for clothes and things for your room, but you will need to pick out a dress because I will be holding a gala to introduce you to the public." Everyone else groaned and I couldn't help but do the same. "So you and Alfred will go out together-" He was cut off by Dick "Actually I'd like to join" "Me as well!" Jason quickly added and then Tim and finally Damian. I sighed knowing it was gonna be a long day tomorrow.

We finished dinner quickly, me doing my usual routine by going upstairs to vomit all the food I had previously consumed since I still had to give the appearance of someone healthy.

Before I could get up the stairs though I felt someone grab my arm.

I looked back to see Jason, he seemed concerned.

"What's up?" I ask tentatively.

"Can I talk to you somewhere private? I'd like to ask you some things if you don't mind."

I nodded hesitantly and guided him upstairs to my room.

Upon entering he sat down on my bed looking around. I hadn't really done anything besides what I did on the first day. My bag was still full of clothes and the only thing really separating my room from others was the photographs. The one of Annabeth and I laid face down as it became to painful to look at.

"I'll be right back, just chill here" I went into the bathroom, not bothering to see his response.

I quickly vomited up everything I'd eaten and scrubbed my teeth furiously hoping it was enough.

I exited the bathroom and walked over. He had sat himself to lean against the headboard of the bed so I sat criss crossed on the end of the bed.

"So, I just want to warn you, if I am overstepping any boundaries please alert me and I'll step off, but I'm very concerned and figured I'd try and get any answers I could"

His wording was scaring me but I gave him the best smile I could, which let's face it, wasn't great but hey it was an attempt.

"The other day," he looked down to his hands "When I picked you up, I happened to notice that you uh..." He seemed to be contemplating how to say it without being rude "well you're really skinny, like bad skinny"

I couldn't stop my breath catching and I know he noticed as well because he continued to be more gentle.

"Is everything okay?"

That question.

I hated it, I hated it so very much.

It was always a hard question to answer, because on one hand, if you say you're good, you're lying to them and to yourself, therefore hindering yourself, but if you are truthful then they become worried and feel the need to be more cautious around you. Almost like you're glass.

I was trying to figure out what I was going to say when he interrupted my thoughts.

"If it's any consolation, I-I've been there. Ya know, and it's rough trying to come back from that." I nod, Nico and Will had tried to help me by getting me to eat, but it hadn't helped much.

He continued "Something...something really bad happened a while back, I thought I'd never really recover, and to say I've fully recovered now, well I'd be lying. But I know I've definitely gotten better." He sighed " Look what I'm trying to say is, you can trust me, I may not understand why, but I understand the feeling of not being able to eat, or not being able to talk to anyone. It's definitely isolating and terrifying, so I just want you to know I'm here for you. If you ever need ANYTHING, or ANYONE to talk to about these things, just let me know cause I'm your guy" He tried giving me a smile, at least I think, but I couldn't see through the tears that were brimming in my eyes.

He hesitantly leaned forwards and extended his arms out, offering a hug.

At the moment I didn't care about pride. I didn't care about anything except the fact that I finally had a sort of light at the end of the tunnel, I let that hope fester as I scooted forwards and hugged him, he hugged back. It was a tight hug. I didn't let go afraid that if I did he would disappear like everyone else in my life.

He whispered kind words into my ear as I cried.

Releasing this felt good. It felt nice letting go for a bit. Not being the shoulder being cried on but having a shoulder to cry on.

After who knows how long I let go and scooted back wiping my tears.

"Thanks Jason, that... That helped a lot. I'd love the help. I think...I think it's time I tried to help myself" He smiled at that.

We spent the next couple of hours talking about random things, some of it dabbling in the trauma we've endured but mostly just good memories, mainly consisting of the others and sometimes the occasional question about the people in my photographs. I didn't mind, truly.

He eventually left and I had to admit I haven't felt this good in a while.

I fell asleep, luckily, to a dreamless night.


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