Chapter 19: get in ladies, we're going shopping

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After the kidnapping I couldn't help but think about the heros, more importantly who they were.

I already knew that Wally was the fast one, so was it wrong to try and assume that the other heroes were people that were close to him.

I started to think back to the faces of the heroes, anything that could pinpoint who anyone was.

I thought back to who was on the ground, the person had blonde hair but I couldn't see the eyes but she did look familiar with the green color scheme.

Then it clicked, she was Artemis. I smiled knowing Annabeth would be proud and continued, who was awake and fighting bane, I saw one of them with the white blonde hair and while I didn't see much,  from what I could see the person looked like that Kaldur person.

If I was right, was it wrong to assume the whole group in the car are different heroes, I mean it can't be a coincidence that they all happen to be in the same place, and just happen to all be heroes.

So now I know that the group in the car are heroes, who are the others, the ones with the bird logos and the Bat bro.

This one was trickier since I didn't really get a good look at any of them not to mention I'd only ever heard of Red hood from Jason and Batman from that chuckling idiot.

So what do I know, I know that there were four of the bird themed people and one Bat themed, one of the bird themed was small and seemed to be a kid, ignoring how awful that fact was I continued on. The second one was more my height so possibly my age. Red hood was tall, at least taller than just about everyone I saw, and the last one who I helped was a bit shorter but he looked older with his longer hair.

All in all I had no idea who they could be, their descriptions could fit just about any gaggle of kids who thought it'd be fun to dress up. Now onto the Bat dude, he had lots of cool toys from what I saw so he had to either have money or have access to lots of materials to build, not to mention the intelligence they'd have to have to come up with these.

Once again I was lost so I decided to drop it.

It was currently around 3 in the morning, I was sitting in my closet on my laptop, the photo of Annabeth and I sitting nearby. I was looking up any sort of lead I could find on where Annabeth might be. The more I looked the more lost I felt because there was virtually nothing. I have been staying up and sometimes not even sleeping for the past 4 nights, but I had to do something.

I had to find her.

So for the next hour I sat there looking at different videos caught on random cameras, I looked up any suspicious case that happened to include a blonde haired person, anything that seemed possibly relevant.

That was when I found it. I was scrolling through some camera footage of a local coffee shop here in Gotham when I saw a pixelated girl running past the shop, her curly blonde princess hair flowing behind her, a knife in hand, she turned into an alleyway. I kept watching to see a group of people in green jackets and khakis running behind her, they seemed to be looking around for something or someone. One of them turns into the alley and soon the rest follow and they drag out the girl, her body limp but her hand still holding onto the knife almost in a paralyzed state.

Annabeth was in danger. I knew it was her, I would recognize that hair from anywhere.

I immediately got up. How was I supposed to help her, I couldn't just go out and hope I stumble into the right people.

That's when it clicked. What if I become a hero. I got the fighting skills, I got the street knowledge, all I needed was a suit. A mask and some sweats wouldn't cut it this time. I had to actually come up with something. I decided I'd sneak out and go shopping with Harley tomorrow since I haven't seen her since last weekend and she would be able to tell me what would be functional. I smiled, feeling hope for the first time in a while that something was finally going my way.

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