Chapter 48: The convincing (dun dun dun!)

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After the whole fiasco yesterday Jason wouldn't stop pestering me with what I could have possibly told Dick.

"Come on Perc! We're buds! Amigos, muchachos!!" He pleaded, holding onto the sleeve of my jacket as I made my way down the hall. I had to go see Harley and this was slowing me down by a lot. She'd get worried soon if I didn't hurry.

"Like I said Jason, it's a secret. It wouldn't mean much to Dick if I just told you outright, now would it?" I argued, trying desperately to get him off my trail.

"He don't gotta know Percy! I mean come on, it's just between the three of us and in those three the only ones who'd know I know the secret are you and me!" Damn, he was desperate.

"Jason" I stopped walking to turn to him though he wasn't ready for this so he stumbled back slightly. "The secret is between me and Dick okay? If Damien were to want to know then I owe him that favor as well, but until the day comes to which I release this secret, you will just have to suffer with curiosity." I spun on my heel so that I was walking towards the door again.I heard Jason groan from behind me as his footsteps receded down the hallway in the opposite direction.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't like lying to Jason, but it had to be done otherwise the secret I told Dick would lose its value and then he'd hunt me down looking for a new secret. The gods only know how vicious that hunt would be.

I sighed as I walked out the door, waving goodbye to Alfred on the way out. The fun thing was that it had started getting colder lately with the oncoming winter holidays and it was finally the time to wear long sleeves comfortably. I took in a deep breath of cold air, a small smile forming on my face as I walked down the long driveway. I was excited to meet up with Harley again, she said she was gonna bring a couple of her friends along with us today, hopefully she was talking about Auntie Ivy.

I finally made my way out the gate before continuing my stroll, for some odd reason the city seemed quieter, though maybe that was just my good mood. I walked by people, cars, and pets, and even for such a messed up city it still seemed to have a pretty great atmosphere. You know besides the occasional screaming and constant manic attacks. Okay maybe not great atmosphere.

I brushed these thoughts aside as I turned to the place where me and Harley had agreed to meet up. I was early (surprisingly) so I decided to sit down and wait. Harley had recommended meeting up in the park as it was on the outskirts of town so that she wouldn't get recognized, I wasn't complaining though because now I was starting to get recognized as well due to being related to "The Waynes". It has gotten so bad that I've actually had to take advice from Dick and wear sunglasses.

The trees ruffled around me as a strong breeze blew through the park, it was very relaxing. A couple people walked by as well, mainly couples and the occasional mother with a baby. Though I tried to avoid looking at the latter as it still hurt a bit.

I found a bench and decided to sit down. Maybe staying in one place would make it easier to find me. 

I kicked my legs back and fourth like a child, the wind picking up my hair as it flew around in my face. I pinned the hair back behind my ear before I felt a vibration coming from my pocket. A smile played on my lips as I reached for my phone though instead of Harley it was someone just as great. I quickly picked up the call.

"Hey wise girl! How's it going? Are Nico and Will finally getting married?" I asked rapidly over the phone.

I heard a small chuckle from over the phone, her laugh was like music to my ears causing my smile to grow.

"Hey seaweed brain, it's going okay, I miss you a ton, and sadly they have yet to get married." She let out a nervous chuckle before pausing and I could almost see her playful smile. "But uh, back to the reason why I called you. I was wondering if when I get back, well, if you would like to go out somewhere? I don't know, maybe something fancy and afterwards we can go to the beach and just hang out. I just really miss you and it feels like we haven't had much time away from everyone else." Her voice was confident but I could tell that she was nervous.

"Of course Annie, I'd love to go, do you wanna plan it together? Or if you want I can schedule some stuff." I heard a sigh of relief come from the other side of the phone.

"We can plan it together when I get back, I just want to make sure you would be okay with going out" She replied.

"Of course wisegirl, you never have to ask, just grab my arm and I'll follow you anywhere." 

She let out a soft giggle. "I love you Percy"

"I love you too Annabeth"

I heard a sigh before her voice reappeared "Well, I have to go, call me tonight okay?" She asked.

I nodded before remembering she actually wasn't here "Of course, talk to you later." I was then met with the sound of silence. I lowered my phone and held it in my lap as I looked at my lock screen photo. It was a picture of Annabeth reading, she always claimed the photo looked bad but I think it has a certain charm to it.

I was interrupted when I heard incoming footsteps. Quickly I looked up only to be met with the shoulder of a woman who smelled like cotton candy and air fresheners. I rapidly hugged the figure as their arms wrapped around me as well.

"Ohhh my poor like sea star! Did you miss me?" Harley asked. 

"Sea star still isn't a cool nickname!" I heard Ivy add in from behind. 

"Oh hush Iv. This is a motherly thing! I'm supposed to be all embarrassing and stuff" She turned back to me before letting me go, this time allowing me full sight of the people in front of me. 

There was Ivy, Harley, and some girl with red hair and a yellow school girl uniform. She reminded me of one of the Heathers from that one musical Tim, Dick, Jason, and oddly enough Damien liked to watch. 

"Sooooo, did you guys adopt another kid or am I gonna be put down as a witness to a kidnapping?" I asked as I pointed to the girl who looked to be in her senior year of high school or early years of college. The others all looked to the girl before turning back to me.

"Pffft, don't worry Percy, that's just one of my crew. Percy, meet clay man!" She held out her hands and the girl in front of me shifted into a larger brown blob with crooked yellow teeth that were cracked into a friendly looking smile.

"Hello there Percy, I'm Clay man, at your service" He let out a small giggle as his voice cracked a bit. His form shifted back to the girl and when he spoke his voice was much more feminine. "But you can call me Stephanie!" He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a side hug sort of thing.

Harley quickly pulled him away before growling? He backed off though so I guess I don't mind.

"Anyways Percy... I was wondering if you'd like to join us on a mission?" She looked down and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Harley... you know I can't help out with your activities!" I retorted.

"awww but Percyyy, it's technically aiding the bat! I mean we're trying to stop Joker! I'm sure the bat would approve!" She grabbed my shoulders before looking right into my eyes, a pleading look on her face.

gods dammit.

"Fine, but I'll need a suit"


I don't know about y'all but it's like 4 am where I am so I'll update the second part tomorrow. Anyways it feels great to be back! I hope to start updating more often!

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