Chapter 14: Gods dam party crashers

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I found it was Dick grabbing my arm.

"Hey your speech is needed soon, so you should come with me" he gave Rachel a little wave and a polite smile "excuse us Ms. Dare"

We walked off to the stage, Bruce handed me some note cards and then told me to wait here until told to come on.

Bruce got on stage and after a loud applause from the crowd he spoke, " Thank you everyone for attending this party, I hope you all are having a spectacular time and that all the accommodations are to your liking. I would like to restate the reason for this party. This was hosted in celebration of the newest addition to the Wayne family, Percy Jackson, so please give her a warm welcome and afterwards she will answer a few questions, if she wants to of course."

The crowd welcomed me with another loud applause. Once they settled down I began. Now I tried, I really did but those note cards were 1. Not in Greek and 2. In the worst kind of writing; Cursive. It was so hard to read that I just ended up placing the note cards on the ground.

"Hello everyone!" I gave them all my 'Put it on for the campers' smile which seemed to convince just about everyone.

" I would like to state my gratitude to all of you for coming. Bruce and his sons, or as I like to call them, my brothers as well as Alfred have been too kind to me. So I guess all I really have to say is thank you, because if it weren't for them, I'd probably be on the streets or worse dead." The crowd aww'd and such. I then rubbed my hands together " now questions?" Immediately hands went up. I chose someone near the front first.

" Is living with the Wayne's different compared to your old life?"

I nodded " yeah, very different, before this it was just me and my mom, and after a few years my second step father. It was nice but I can't say that now isn't just as good." I then chose another hand.

"Ms. Jackson, are the Waynes what you expected to be upon arriving?"

I had to think about this one " Well, I hadn't really heard about them before living with them, but if I had to go off of first impressions, no, not at all."

I answered a couple more questions before choosing someone in the middle of group of people.

"Ms. Jackson, wasn't it you who was the main culprit for a terrorist attack on the Saint Louis arch? Not to mention the gun fight with your kidnapper?"

I sighed and scratched the back of my neck "yes but for one I guess I'll clear up any bad ideas. My luck is zero to none, all the schools that I've been expelled from aren't exactly my fault either, many of them are huge misunderstandings and the others were all accidents. The terrorist thing was just a wrong place and the wrong time kinda thing, and I know you're begging to know about Mt Helen, that was a similar case. And finally the kidnapper, he was a close friend of my first step dad (Gabe), my then step father arranged for my kidnapping as well as mothers, I had to fight him off for our protection, I heard the people he hired didn't like the attention so that's why he disappeared. Now no more questions!"

I bowed and walked off the stage leaving a stunned silence.

After a while the music returned and everyone went back to normal.

As I was walking around to try and find Rachel again I could see Jason's white and black hair approaching so I quickly ducked out the way and ran towards a large group.

That's when things went sideways.

Multiple large crashes were heard as the windows surrounding the event were caved in with people flying through them. In the middle was a man with green hair and pale almost- no completely white skin with a huge red grin painted on. Next to him was a woman in a jester outfit that was colored black and crimson.

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