Chapter 47: Movies

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(I drew this in class today and just thought I'd share it cause it's kinda funny. For context the teacher loves baby Yoda so I try to find ways to draw other characters mixed with baby Yoda. I promise I can actually draw tho)

I was excited when Jason offered to watch a movie with me and the others. I was excited when they offered me snacks. I was excited when I sat down to a comfortable warm blanket. I was NOT excited when I found out that the movie we were watching was Hercules.

So here I am, constantly yelling at the tv, with the others giving me dirty looks. I wish that Annabeth was here but Nico and Will wanted to talk to her so she went back to camp for a trip. So instead I'm suffering with the inaccuracies of this movie.

"Dude, seriously what's your issue?" Dick asked after I threw my 30th piece of popcorn at the screen.

"Oh! Did you know Hercules?" Jason asked.

Dick and Damien both gave Jason odd looks, like Jason was crazy, which he was but there was nothing to prompt the looks he was receiving. I ignored them.

"Yeah, but he's not some goody two shoes like in the movies, honestly he's major jerk." I replied before actually eating a piece of popcorn.

"Oh that sucks" Tim adds from the other side of the couch. He was curled up with his knees to his chest while watching the movie intently.

"Oh har har, of CoUrSe you met Hercules, and what do you know Zeus to?" Dick taunts.

I turned to Tim with a concerned look on my face, and his expression mirrored mine. I looked back to Dick who looked confused as he watched me and Tim.

I heard a loud screech like laugh erupt from Jason and that's when I realized.

I never told Damien and Dick.

My face fell from concern to a blank look as I went over every conversation I've had with Damien and Dick, and wow side note, Dick has lots of drama queen moments. Back to the point though, I was right to the fact that I never actually told them. I had told Jason and Tim, though Tim was accidental.

I slowly put on a nervous smile as I turned to Tim. He barely glanced at me before his look changed from confused to angry.

"Percy! How could you not tell them! Me and Jason have known for months!" Tim yelled, not losing his position on the couch.

"I-Well...I just thought I already told them! I mean it feels like I've already told so many people!" I threw my hands up in the air to exaggerate my point.

"Hold on, told us what Jackson?" Damien stood up, already equipped with a look of anger and I could practically see the insults being formulated behind his scheming eyes.

"Well, you see, I'm not a..." I paused and slowly turned to Tim "What are they called again?"

Tim rolled his eyes before whispering "A meta-human" I nodded before turning back to the two with a smile.

"I'm not a meta-human like Wally, think mooorree uh, Diana. In other words, I'm a demigod, and my father is Poseidon. Long story short, I've been on tons of death defying missions and nearly died more times then I can count, and one of those times was meeting Hercules. So no, I am not kidding" I gave them a prize winning smile as Dick's eye twitches as he examines my face for anything that may prove I'm lying and Damien's fist was shut so tight I swear he was gonna start bleeding.

"Let me get this straight." Damien lets out a stressed sigh. "Not only, was I one of the last to find out about your civilian identity and your girlfriend, but now I am the last to find out about your heritage." I swear his face morphed into a small crazy looking smile and somehow that was worse then his angry look. My smile faltered a bit.

"Well..." I tried to put the smile back on my face but even I could tell that it wasn't convincing. "You see, when you say it like that, it makes me sound bad, and... well... I wouldn't say that."

"Oh really, then what would you say Percy? Cause I think you need to tell the other two first" Dick said, crossing his arms.

"That's not fair! In my defense, I was sad when I told Jason, and I didn't even tell Tim! He found on his own! I just assumed you guys knew!" I crossed my arms in a mocking gesture, as I tried to defend myself.

Dick just gave me a ' are you serious' look.

I dropped the smile before standing up.

"Fine, what do you two want? I can make it up to you" I asked as I looked down at the two who were sitting on the ground.

Damien just huffed and crossed his arms before turning away from me. "My forgiveness can't be bought!" He yelled.

"To bad, mine can!" Dick smiled. "I'd like 3 batches of your cookies, no one else can have them AND I'd like to know one secret you haven't told Jason or Tim" He smiled like he'd just won the lottery.

I groaned but nodded. "And Damien, feel free to exchange that favor anytime for just about anything" He just grunted before turning back to the movie, of which I forgot was on.

"Alright come here Dick" He smiled before standing up.

I leaned in so I could whisper in his ear. "I already have a ring picked out for Annabeth" I smirked as I backed up. I watched as it processed through his brain and one it registered a huge smile appeared on his face. "REALLY?!" He yelled. I smiled and nodded.

To be honest I've had the ring for a while, I've just not found the proper way to propose. yet.

He pulled me in for a huge hug before lifting me up. I giggled as he started asking if he could be the best man.

The others looked at us in concern and curiosity, and in Jason's case, a child like jelousy since he did't know the secret.

After I was finally set down we continued the movie and you know maybe it wasn't- nope never mind this movie still sucks.


1067 words

So, I have so many stories in the works now so please be patient! Here's a couple pics to advertise my newest one that is soon to come.

So, I have so many stories in the works now so please be patient! Here's a couple pics to advertise my newest one that is soon to come

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And as I look at these I realize I completely forgot the scars in the second drawing and now I have to go back T-T

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And as I look at these I realize I completely forgot the scars in the second drawing and now I have to go back T-T

Anyways have a great morning, day, and night!

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