Chapter 16: My friend is a hero. No seriously

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-------Percy pov:-------

I'm not exactly sure how long I was there just waiting, the time just passing me by and for a while there I thought that no one was coming, therefore making my escape ten times harder.

That was until I heard gunshots, I took this as my chance to run. I threw away the rope and sprinted out a door that led me to a large corridor. I sprinted down said corridor trying to find a way that didn't lead to the fight as I wasn't exactly bullet proof.

I ran for who knows how long until I turned the corner. I suddenly felt myself hit something and me and the other person both fell back, I fell silently and they fell with a little " ah!".

I got up and saw that the person was Harley.

I offered her a hand up.

"What are you doing out Puddin?" She seemed concerned and was checking me out for injuries.

"I managed to find a way to wiggle out, I just wanna get out"

She nods before shoving a mask over my face. " Put this on,and go into that room and change into these." She hands me some new clothes that looked more like the henchmen's from the gala. " After that no one will stop you, especially since you're with me, and we'll get you outta here."

I quickly popped into a nearby room and put the new clothing on over top my previous clothes. Upon leaving she grabbed my hand and we started making our way out, that was until I heard something quickly approaching us. I knew it was gonna hit us. 

We turned onto a long straight tunnel and started running but the person or thing was still coming our way so I pulled Harley by the arm and whipped her against the wall as the thing tried to hit her. It stopped and faced us, the person had on a red and yellow suit, they had bright orange hair and green eyes. Their costume did little to nothing to conceal those parts.

They tried to hit Harley again but at the last moment I pushed Harley out the way and the person hit me in the stomach.

I started coughing as that had done more than I thought it would.

He tried to turn to go to Harley but I knew I could let that happen. So I forced myself to turn to vapor, as I reappeared in front of Harley, I pulled her up off the ground and held onto her arm. "Leave us alone you creep!"

"Where is Percy Jackson!?" The person ran at us again and this time I caught their fist. This obviously surprised them as their eyes opened wide.

"Why do you wanna know speedster mcgee?" I hit him hard in the stomach causing him to double over.

"Cause we are here to save her!" I gave a look to Harley. She seemed to still be processing what happened and was staring at me with wonder.

"Fine! She's in the second biggest room of this place! Now go! Just leave us alone, we won't cause you anymore trouble!" I put my hands up.

Harley followed my lead " Yeah I'm done with Mista J, I'm way outta his league" She also put up her hands. "Just don't hawk the kid to much, she's my favorite Wayne" I had to suppress the smile that was trying to force it's way onto my face.

"If you don't leave us I'll be forced to fight you, and trust me, I won't be the one going to the hospital" As I said this I forced the pipes below us to blow up, the water appearing behind me floating mid air. To sell the act I gave him about 20% of the wolf glare, as he was just trying to help me out.

He seemed to shrink under my glare and nodded before running away.

I turned to Harley " I gotta get you out of here, if anyone else comes I'm afraid we may not get as lucky. You already know I have powers, you just can't tell anyone okay?" She nods "Now you may lose your lunch, be prepared."

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