Chapter 21: A new team

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-----Percy's pov:------

I was currently out patrolling to try and get my mind off of what had happened earlier.

The images of their dead bodies were still fresh in my mind as I ran and jumped from roof to roof.

I stopped a couple robberies and so on.

I was currently sitting on a ledge overlooking the city, which was still somehow beautiful. You know in it's own dirty and crime ridden way.

I sensed someone behind me but I kept quiet. If they were truly menacing I guess I was about to find out.

"What are you doing in my city?" This voice was gruff and going off my previous findings. If this wasn't Dick, Jason, or Damien then it had to be Bat dad as I'm now gonna call him.

"I'm helping you out dum dum" I sounded a little stern for my liking but whatever that's what he gets for trying to deny my help.

"This is our city you need to get-" I cut him off

"I need to get out yada yada, this is your turf and all that. It's really not unless you wanna reveal your identity to be the mayor or something stupid like that. Unless you wanna reveal that identity you're not getting rid of me no matter how hard you try.

The wind blew almost as an acknowledgement of how serious I was.

"Well if I can't convince you." I could tell he pulled out a weapon, he threw something at my head but I just leaned to the side a bit and it flew past me.

"Seriously man, that was weak sauce even for you, or at least what I've heard of you." I finally turned around and got up.

"You see you really can't get the upper hand here."

He sneered and I could see his fist tighten.

I smiled and vapor traveled behind him.

"Whats up batsy?"

He quickly turned to face me.

"You're a metahuman?"

"A meta-huh? You know what sure, Imma metahuman" I paused "what does that entitle exactly?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and I inwardly smirked knowing that this was Bruce but him not knowing it's me is so funny.

"It means you have powers due to the particle accelerator explosion"

I blinked a couple of times then shook my head "nah man, I was born this way, but if it helps you sleep at night then sure I'm a" I held up my hands making quotation marks with my hands as I say "Metahuman"

"Now I gotta blast" I gave him some finger guns. "It was totally wonderful talking to you, you wonderful ray of sunshine!" I ran and turned around as I fell off the building. I vapor traveled a couple rooftops away to see Bruce look over the edge of the building.

My smile faded as I was once again left with my thoughts of my earlier episode, but before I could think too deeply into it I heard a distant cry and off I went.

-------------------------------Time skip------------------------------

The next couple of days were the same thing

Wake up

Make breakfast

Go to room and look for anything new on Annabeth

Eat lunch if you can call a bite eating

Go swimming alone

Get out and train

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