Chapter 52: Time to Tell the Truth

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------------Percy's POV: -------------

I hurried past a guard, making sure to keep myself concealed from their gaze as I hid behind anything I could find. 

I'd been playing this stupid game of duck and cover for who knows how long now, all I knew was that it was really frustrating me, especially due to the fact that it was so easy to get by everyone here. I'd really have to file a complaint whenever I came back. 

With the coast clear I made a break for it, rushing past various empty rooms until I reached the one I was looking for. 

I knocked, looking around for any signs of guards but finding the halls empty. 

"who's there? I thought I said I didn't want to be awoken till 3 tomorrow afternoon!" I rolled my eyes at the comment. Triton always was such a laze. 

I quickly coughed, adjusting my voice. "Uh, it ez me your liege! I am here for somethingz important?" I said, my accent falling apart at the seams as it broke in various places. 

"Okay what the? I mean seriously who is it?" I could feel someone coming closer, but I became very worried when I heard incoming voices. 

"Ehh haste pleze!" I tried.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Jeez" I could see the incoming shadow of the people nearing and the panic rose in me. 

"Gods, Triton if you don't open this door, I swear I'll break it down!" I whisper yelled, and a small moment of quiet ensued. 

I looked back quickly, watching the figures approach quicker and for a second I thought I'd have to vapor travel away but I didn't get the chance to as I felt my arm get nabbed as I was violently pulled into the room.

"HeEYYYYYYY!" My greeting becoming a screech as the literal life was being squeezed out my body like a tube of toothpaste. 

I didn't get a response as the door was shut and I was now alone with he bone crusher. 

"" I said as the lights around me started to dim. I weakly smacked Triton in both a 'hey, so glad to see you' and 'SOS' . "I can see Hades..." I said. Suddenly the pressure stopped as I was lifted into the air? Water? Lifted. 

"Percy! gods, it's so good to see you! I thought you wanted to be distanced from the godly world?" Triton said, giving me time to regain my vision and get air to my brain. 

"I-" The looks of everyone else filled my mind momentarily and I decided against saying anything. "I just missed you so much, I mean I can't stay away from my lovely brother too much now, could I?" Triton smiled and pulled me back in for another hug, this time though, I could appreciate it. 

"I missed you so much Perc." I smiled to myself as I hugged back tighter, which was an awful idea as he took this as a challenge and once again squeezed the life outta me. 

"That's it! I'm dying!" I said sarcastically, going limp as he let me go. 

"Noooo! Percyyyyyyyyyy!" Triton said dramatically, having to stop to laugh before picking up his dramatic moping. 

After a while of playing dead, I finally got up and we acted like civilized people. 

Civilized toddlers. 

"look at you! All grown up" Triton said from his spot on the floor as I had claimed his chair. 

"I could say the same for you old man." His smile dropped momentarily.

"mm" he made a sniffing sound before shaking his head. "Right, choosing to put that aside, why did you really come Percy? Not that I'm not loving this banter." I'm sure my smile dropped momentarily but I chose to ignore it once more.

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