Chapter 18: Pool day

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-------Percy's Pov------

It's been a week since the incident and now I can't do anything without someone being in the same room as me, which means I haven't been able to go swimming.

I have yet to talk to Jason about the scars and I can see he's just itching to ask so I've decided that I'll tell him.

Only him.

That way I can go swimming without having one of the others in the room.

We had all just finished breakfast and everyone was heading off on their own. Jason walked over a small smile on his face.

"So what're we doing today Perc?"

"Actually , Jason, I need you to come with me." I grabbed his hand and brought him to my room. Once inside I closed the door.

"Perc? Is everything okay?" He seemed very concerned.

"I-I think we need to talk about the..." I decided to supplement the word with just pointing to my torso. "Yeah"

He nods, this time he grabs my hand and brings me to sit on the bed. "Take your time, if you need to stop that's okay"

I nod and give him a reassuring smile.

"As you know I have lots of scars, for example." I rolled up my sleeves and revealed the many discolored spots that littered my body.

His eyes widen slightly and he grabs my arm and starts tracing over the scars almost to see if they're real. Some still stung when he traced them but I didn't say anything. I've been through this process. Mainly with my mom, she did this for hours demanding to see every single one.

"How did you get them, if you don't mind me asking?" His voice was calm and quiet. I had to admit it helped my courage.

" Some..." I didn't want to expose my secret to them, at least not yet. It's not that I don't trust them, it's that I don't trust if the Gods are okay with it. So I'll have to ask about that. "Some of them are from my previous step father Gabe. I think I've mentioned him briefly"

He nodded in response, still staring at my arms.

"He was awful, my mom had a reason to stay with him, but he would constantly beat us and I did try and take the brunt of it, which led to all this." I looked down at my arms.

Jason seemed angry but stayed quiet this time looking up to me. "You said some, where are the others from?"

"Well the reason Gabe was around was to scare off a certain group of people. Apparently some people have wanted me dead for a while, but once Gabe disappeared me and my mom were left to fend for ourselves. That's why I went to a camp where I learned to fight. Lots of the kids there were in similar if not the same situation, and that's who those people in my photos are."

I was trying to hold in my sorrow and keep my voice from wavering.

"I had to fight a lot, nearly died more times than I can count." I took a large breath. "Most of my friends weren't as lucky as I was." I decided this was a good time to stop and Jason took this time to wrap me in a big hug.

He was warm and I melted into the hug.

And so we just sat there, with me crying quietly and him comforting me.

-------------------Time skip---------------------

It had been a couple hours and Jason and I had just been hanging out in my room till an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Jason? Wanna go swimming?"

He looked up at me, and gave me a smile. "Sure, I'll be back in a minute" he got up and left to go change. I quickly ran into my closet, briefly looking at the wall I had made to find Annabeth. It had little to no new additions, this soured my mood but I turned away and grabbed my bathing suit. It was a long sleeved one piece, I also grabbed some shorts to put on top of the one piece so that not all of my legs were shown. 

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