Chapter 15: Time for your big break, smile for the camera

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——-Percy POV:——-

I woke up with a groan. My body was tied to the chair I was sitting on and upon looking down I saw that my dress was gone and in it's place was a black shirt and some sweats. My head felt like it was splitting in two and I was very aware of the tingling through my body. This was obviously the residual energy that had been administered earlier. Actually, was it earlier? How long has it been?

I heard people making their way down the hall so I closed my eyes and pretended to still be out.

Two bodies approached.

" So Mr.J what are we gonna do with the girl?" She seemed to be close as I could feel her breath on my cheek.

" Why, we are gonna use her as bait to lure the bats and his little birds to us, then we can get them with the laughing gas and they'll be gone for good!"

I knew this wasn't good. If this Bat fella and his friends were coming here then they'd be in serious danger. I refuse to let anyone else get hurt because of me. I had to warn them somehow.

I could hear them setting up equipment. I couldn't tell what though because it all sounded like shuffling and shifting.

" Now how're we gonna wake her?" The girl who I assume to be the woman from earlier asks.

" like this" before I could process what that may have meant my head was flung to the side as a new pain erupted from my cheek.

My eyes opened and I looked to the two people in front of me.

" Well look who's finally up!" The man came closer to my face.

The woman behind him looked a little upset by what he did and I could tell she wasn't exactly okay with him, whether that be with hitting me, or if that action happened to bring up something from her past, it could be both for all I know.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

" you better read what I wrote over there, if you stray I swear I will kill you"

I just gave him a bit of my wolf glare causing him to flinch.

"Whatever you say you bozo the clown wanna be"

He just got mad and hit me again with what I now saw was a gun. I spit as the taste of iron filled my mouth.

He walked off towards a camera and turned it on.

He then walked in front of it and started talking. I tuned him out cause I was trying to think but I was brought back when he said "Now Percy say a couple words to the public"

I saw the woman holding up a bunch of papers looking half into it.

I sighed knowing I could get myself killed, yet I needed to get a message out somehow, and I'm sure this message was going to be broad casted so on a last resort I started talking.

"If anyone is actually watching please help, I just want to leave, he's threatened me and I'm really scared. Please help me" it wasn't exactly what he wrote as I couldn't read what it said and that seemed to piss him off. He walked forwards and said, "should've listened to me brat" he grabbed one of my fingers and snapped it, knowing I was still on camera I let out a scream.

The woman seemed to wince and looked away. I looked directly at the camera and continued what I had been doing earlier. What I hadn't mentioned was throughout being on camera I had been blinking in certain patterns, I was praying to any Gods who wanted to listen that Batman and his crew knew Morse code or they'd be screwed.

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