Chapter 35: A nice talk

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(I am so sorry for any typos in the past few chapters, I've been working on my phone and it sometimes glitches. Please alert me if you see any and I'll change it immediately)

By the time I had gotten home that night it was around 3 in the morning. I hadn't seen anyone aside from Alfred and the strangers all day.

I slipped in through the window as I had used up most of my strength from fighting all day. The room was dark, that didn't stop me from seeing the person on my bed.

I stepped forwards cautiously and saw that the person in front of me was Jason, his arm was in a cast and his face looked peaceful. I stared at his cast, my guilt growing evermore. He was leaned against the headboard, I'm assuming he tried to come and talk to me. A voice in the back of my head said he came to yell at me and I couldn't help but agree.

I walked forwards and scooped him up and Zeus's thunder bolt this man was heavy. I waddled with a sleeping Jason in my arms out the room down the hall and into his room where I set him down gently. I turned to go back to my room but before I could leave I felt my hand get grabbed.

I turned around and saw a drowsy Jason, his hand limply gripping mine.

"Perc" his voice sounded sleepy and his eyes were barely open.

"Heyyy" I kept my voice quiet.

"Can we talk?" His voice slurred a bit and I couldn't stop the sad smile on my face.

"Maybe tomorrow Jace" I gently took my hand from his grip and left leaving him to fall back asleep.

I headed back to my room, the cold silence filled my senses as soon as I entered. I walked over to my closet and changed, slipping into some comfortable clothes, as I was putting on my sleeveless shirt I realized that the guys probably haven't seen all my scars as I wore long sleeves all the time. With the way things were going I decided I didn't care about secrecy anymore, for all I care they could find out about me being a demigod, they'd probably only hate me more. Plus I'd gotten confirmation that I was allowed to tell them a week ago, so they wouldn't be smited.

I walked over to my closet and laid down, I fell asleep immediately and all I could hope for was a dreamless sleep. Of course none of my hopes come true.

I woke up with a start, the dream from the other day had come back and I was forced to rewatch it in stunning detail.

I was sitting up, my breathing once again ragged. I looked around and examined my room. Everything was still here, everyone was still safe.

I pushed myself off my bed, my stomach rumbled demanding food. Today I'd eat.

I walked out of my room, the hallways were empty and the manor was silent aside from the bickering coming from the direction of the dining room.

I walked down the stairs and entered the dining room. Upon entering everyone looked at me, Dick started "Hey Per" and that's when they seemed to notice all the scars littering my bare skin.

"Hey" my voice sounded defeated and Annabeth looked at me with a sympathetic glance. I turned away, there was no way I could look her in the eye right now, not after what I've done.

I sat down in between Jason and Annabeth, no one speaking up still yet all eyes on me.

I shoved down my discomfort as I grabbed a pancake from the plate in front of me. I poured tons of syrup on it before digging in. The other started talking but after I didn't answer they just continued though much quieter then before. About halfway through my pancake Bruce entered the mainly silent room. He took one look at me and even he couldn't hide his shock at my body.

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