Chapter 45: Home

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———————Jason's Pov:—————

I can't believe she was gone. It all felt surreal. My sister was dead. Another Wayne gone just like that at the hands of the villains.

I couldn't afford to get angry right now as we were currently holding a memorial for Percy. Friends I didn't even know she had, had arrived. Most of them had scars and similar looks in their eyes so I assumed they were all demigods as well, forced into ruthless situations against their wills.

I did recognize one of them though, that one being the emo looking kid. He had pale skin and black hair. I had assumed he was a son of Hades, though Percy never got the chance to tell me.

Everyone had dressed up nice, and everyone was crying, even the demon. We were standing in front of an empty casket as we couldn't even find a body. How disrespectful was that? Not even a body to burn to commemorate such a beautiful life.

I wiped away a tear as Annabeth walked to the front, her black dress was accompanied by a blue hair piece, she said it was what Percy would have wanted.

She made her way up slowly, seemingly trying to deny what had happened, and honestly, I couldn't blame her.

The changes she had made to the manor, while hard to notice while they were happening, were drastic once they went away. There was no longer a mediator between our fights, we no longer had someones bed to hog at night. There was no  favorites to mock the others about, no more blue cookies, no more Riptide, or talking about the sea creatures she loved. But I think the thing I'll miss most was the fact that I no longer had a sibling I could talk to. I mean sure, I could talk to Dick and Tim but they always looked at me in sympathy. Percy, well Percy looked at me like I was a person, like I wasn't some broken shell of a human being but instead her brother.

I took a deep breath determined to not sob at the funeral, instead I'd do it later on in the solitude of my room.

Annabeth eventually made it to the front.

"All you words you guys spoke tonight were so beautiful and truly a great tribute to Percy, I would like to add onto these words." She closed her eyes trying to shove down an oncoming break down. "Percy Jackson. She was not only a fighter but such a great person. Percy lead us through so many dangers, she was always there for us. Now that she's gone the world will be missing a huge-" a huge crash apparently because behind us a loud crash rang out. I looked back to see a table that had been set up was now crushed and someone was laying on top of it.

"DAM YOU ZEUS 2.0!!!" Percy sat up, her hair was a mess and she held her fist to the sky.

I stood in shock like everyone else. Percy tried to get off the table but it cracked more and she fell to the ground.

"Oh come on!!" She yelled out.

I heard footsteps from behind me and soon I saw Annabeth come into view. She ran forwards and tackled Percy who was just trying to get up.

I heard Annabeth's crying as Percy hugged her back tighter. This time I felt my feet move as I also ran forwards and wrapped both of them in a tight hug. Soon I found others hugging us but it didn't matter, currently Percy was back and that's all that matters.

——————————Percy's POV:——————————

Those dam jerks, of course they dropped me mid air.

Right now though the hugs from everyone was enough to keep me from trying to yell at Zeus.

Annabeth was holding me tight and Jason had us clumped and beyond that I could only make out the other boys who were also there.

"I missed you all too! WAIT I WASNT GONE FOR A YEAR HERE RIGHT?" I panicked.

" no, but the week felt like a year" Annabeth mumbled into my shoulder.

"Oh thanks the blue cookie lords" I hugged her back tighter and after a while I had to hug everyone for a least a minute.

After all the hugs, I looked around and just noticed this was my funeral. "Hey! Where is Nemo?" I looked around and this got some chuckles from the others.

"I'm sorry, it was such short notice." Annabeth said, she had yet to let go of my hand, and personally, I wasn't complaining.

After some more warm welcomes I was driven back to the manor against my will. The others hadn't left my side for one minute. Currently we were all squished together in the back seat, small sniffles occasionally making themselves known. We made small talk but I could tell that they were all still reeling from the shock of my return.

Honestly I was just glad to be back, as much as I love Jason, Piper, and the others it just wasn't the same there. It's weird cause I've dreamed of something like that happening since I've known about being a demigod, but finally having it felt wrong.

I snuggled closer into Annabeths side as the others happy voices rang through my ears.

895 words

I'm gonna be honest here, I don't have much else planned so I may start a couple new stories. If I come to the certain conclusion that I'll end the story I'll be sure to leave a couple extra chapters. Anyways have a good night, morning, or day!

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