Chapter 40: Gifts

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"So how exactly did you find this place again?" I asked as I stared up at the building in front of me. It was a large wear house looking place, a letter in its logo threatening to fall off and crush whoever was beneath it at any second.

"Oh you know a little this and that, Leo mcshizzle can do anything!" He smiled with his little gremlin features and ran inside.

"LEO VALDEZ DON'T YOU DARE" I ran after him, catching up quickly as he had already stopped to look at all the tools.

"Oh Gods this is gonna be a long day..."I groaned as Leo started to observe a wrench that seemed to be able to retract and extend.

"Oh Gods this is so cool!" I couldn't stop him as he bolted down the isles looking at everything. I swear it was like watching a kid run into a toy store.

I waited for a while till Leo came back with his arms full of tools. I couldn't see his head over the pile he'd compiled.

"You done?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Yeth!" I heard a small and strained voice from behind the pile. I rolled my eyes as we made our way over to the checkout line.

He set all the tools down and took in a deep breath once he did so. "Gods that was heavy" he leaned down to grab his knees.

Apparently Leo had used all his tools during the war as some sort of projectile, he'd throw a hammer here, a wrench there, it would've been funny if he didn't have to restock it, and of course with us not being able to get real jobs he has no money to restock. I had offered a while back to buy him a new inventory as a joke but he took it seriously and well here I am.

I placed the credit card Bruce had given to me with my allowance on it. The money had stacked up as he'd give me new money every month but I just never had any real interest in buying anything besides the occasional dinner with Harley. I had a ton on the card so I decided it's be okay to help a friend out.

After paying for the all of the tools Leo took time to name each tool before shoving them in his belt thing.

"You done with Sir Gerald the third?" I asked slight annoyance in my tone.

"Almost! Don't rush love!" He yelled back before Turing his attention back to the hammer.

I rolled my eyes before turning around to lean on the counter. The store was empty and the clerk was already gone so I assumed it was okay if we sat there for a bit.

After about 10 minutes he finally finished.

"Now, how's about some food? Picking up all my awesome new tools really takes it out of you" he stated a proud smirk on his face.

"That's actually a good idea hbs" A while ago Leo had told us to call him 'hot boy supreme' see the thing is there was no way I was gonna yell out ' ' HOT BOY SUPREME GET BACK HERE' ' so instead I shortened it to hbs. He accepts it due to the fact that I was the only one who's kept up with the nickname.

We got into the car and I turned the key in the ignition. I pulled out and started down the street.

"So where do you wanna go?" I asked as I looked to see if any other cars were coming as I turned.

"Hmmm you know anywhere with good burgers?"

I smiled. Boy oh boy did I know a place. A couple weeks ago the boys had brought home some food from this place called big belly burger. They hadn't realized that I had gotten home early from my outing with Harley so they hadn't gotten me anything. When they arrived they saw me on the couch immediately they had felt bad and offered me food from each of their meals. I took it graciously (obviously). Even Damien had given me a bit of his milkshake. I was very gracious and humbled by his kindness.

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