Chapter 34: Aftermath

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I woke up with a start. My breathing was uneven as I was panting, my breathing ragged and each breath hurt my throat.

I focused on calming down. After a minute or two I was finally calm enough to get up. I pushed myself off the bed and finally took a look around. I was in the Yj med room.

I let out a breath of relief. No one was here so I decided to leave. I found my mask a few feet away. I put it on and walked out, grabbing my jacket as well slipping it on over my arms.

I walked out of the room. The hallways were silent aside from the sound of my footsteps.

I walked for a bit, finding this walk a nice break from what's happened recently. That was until I stumbled upon Wally. He didn't notice me but as he walked through the hall I noticed the bandage around his throat.

I felt my own close up a bit as I realized that I had attacked him. I let him walk by without noticing me before I continued. I walked down a couple more halls before I found the zeta tubes. I hopped in one and typed in the coordinates for Gotham.

I appeared in an alley and before I came out I took off my mask. I walked out and started my venture for the manor.

About 10 minutes into my walk I felt a buzzing from my jacket pocket. Confused I searched it. Inside I found my phone. I grabbed it and picked up the incoming call.

"Percy? Percy where are you?" Wally's frantic voice rang out from the other side of the call.

"It's okay Wally, I'm heading to the manor. I just need some time alone right now" I replied.

The other side went silent before his voice, much quieter then before, spoke up "Perc are you okay?"


"Of course Wally! Just had a bit of a break down." My voice much cheerier then I currently was.

"Percy, a ' ' bit of a break down ' ' doesn't explain why you broke Red hood's arm in a panic to get away!" Wally retorted a bit of exasperation in his voice.

"...I..." I broke his arm. I hurt my own brother because of some stupid fear. Who's to say I couldn't hurt someone else? What if they weren't so lucky. "I gotta go, bye Wally" my tone was much sadder then wanted but at this point I couldn't really control it.

"Wait Per-" I cut him off my ending the call. I stared at the phone in my hand. As the screen turned off I was left with a reflection of myself. I hadn't realized it before but I had a couple tears streaming down my face. I viciously scrubbed at them for a bit, trying to wipe any trace of them off my face but the more I scrubbed the more tears fell, and soon I was a bumbling sniffling mess, my sleeve was covered in tears.

I decided I didn't really care what others thought and so I stopped wiping and started walking, the tears blurring my vision. I walked for what felt like forever and the closer I got to the mansion the guiltier I felt.

I eventually reached the gate and made my way in and up the driveway. I strolled inside the manor, no one was around and at the moment I was glad about it. I walked up the stairs, silencing my footsteps. I made my way to my room and entered.

Upon entering my room I let my tears fall freely as I slowly made my way to my bed and flopped down on top of it.

I let out the tears and the guilt build within me.

I cried for a while, the next time I actually got up to look around I noticed it was dark outside. I decided dinner wasn't an option today so instead I curled up in my sheets making myself into a little ball. The warmth seeped into my skin as I stared into the darkness. My thoughts were all of the negative assortment, most blaming and accusing, and for some odd reason I agreed with everything they said. Of course this just made my guilt tenfold and I found myself closing in on myself more and more.

Eventually my mind went blank as I had hit an emotional break. This was the time when my body elected to sleep and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning I felt like crap. My body was sore and felt heavy like lead. My head was pounding and the sun hurt to look at. None the less I  was awake. I didn't feel like leaving so instead I just turned the other way so the sun wasn't in my eyes.

I laid there for a while, my mind blank as I thought of nothing in particular, the feeling of general sucky ness being my main mood.

I heard a small creak and looked down to see Alfred. He also looked up and we made eye contact. It took a minute for him to speak but eventually he let out a "hello Ms Percy. Why aren't you at breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry" I turned around, deciding that looking at the sun was better then seeing his disappointed face.

"Well the others are looking for you, they're worried you know" he said, his voice soft and gentle. I could hear him moving around, probably making his way to the bathroom to try and clean.

I just let out a grunt in return and continued to lay there.

I listened to the shuffling for a while before his voice spoke up again, "Ms. Percy, I hope you know we are always here for you, you can trust the boys no matter how idiotic they make act occasionally."

I didn't respond hoping he thought I had fallen asleep in the time it took for him to clean.

Wether he believed me or not he left he room, leaving me in serene silence. My thoughts slowly coming back. This time they weren't accusing, instead they focused on the dream from yesterday. The way the others looked, the screams everything felt real and that's how I knew I had to prevent it from happening. I'd do anything to stop it.

I pushed myself off the bed. To clear my mind I decided to go on patrol, no matter how early it was Gotham was still Gotham. I walked to my closet before realizing I had fallen asleep in my hero costume. I wasn't about to go out in dirty clothes so I quickly put on my back up outfit, it was basically the same thing except this one was this one came with shorts as Harley had insisted I at least try out her outfit type.

I smiled as I remembered I was a couple days away from my weekly visits.

I slipped on the other outfit and exited my closet. Deciding I didn't want to be seen by the others today I just vapor traveled, leaving no trace that I was there aside from the dirty clothes and messed up bed.

I had vapor traveled to a random roof top and thus started my day of crime fighting.

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