Chapter 43: Awake

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(I will warn you, the next couple of parts will be mainly used to cover a topic I forgot about a while ago. It may get confusing but please hang in there, I just wanna cover everything and not leave any plot holes. Feel free to skip it as it won't affect much)

" Annie!" I sat up quickly, my hand outstretched trying to catch her hand that was way to far away. In front of me wasn't Annie though. I was currently in the middle of an alley, the night sky hung above me, the light flooding the alley from the streetlights. "What the..." I stood up, my other hand was clamped over my locket. I let go and pushed myself off the ground. How did I end up here?

I decided taking off my mask might not be the best course of action so I kept it on and just vapor traveled to the top of the building beside me. I looked out over the city. I was in Gotham. I could recognize this place from anywhere. I started running. I was gonna go back to the manor and see if anyone else knows what happened. Maybe I had amnesia? I swear if Hera did something again.

I ran for a while longer till I made it to the manor. I took off my mask and shoved it in my jacket pocket. I grabbed my keys and opened the front door.

I walked inside and heard some light talking coming from the dining room. I walked over and looked inside. To say I was surprised was an understatement. Dick and Jason were having a quiet talk. Tim was Tim, I mean maybe a bit older but I mean with all the coffee this man drinks I'm pretty sure he's immortal.

"So...Amnesia, nicee" I said aloud. Trying to wrap my head around the fact that this not only happened once, no no, twice.

Everyone froze. The first to look over was Dick.

His eyes widened in surprise and happiness?

Immediately he shoved his chair out and ran over and hugged me. Mid hug he picked me up and I had to hug back in order to not fall.

"Hey? Was I gone another 8 months?" I asked. Dick  didn't reply, he just continued his laughing as he hugged me. Soon Tim joined in. I even saw Damien walk over and hug us.

They didn't seem to be letting me go anytime soon.

"Are you guys okay?" I hugged back. No on replied and I heard small sniffles. They set me down and a blur of blonde ran at me. Before I knew it I was being flung over someone before coming crashing to the ground.

"How DARE you disappear like that! We thought you were dead!" Annabeth's voice rang out above me.

"I'm sorry Beth! I didn't choose to scare you!!" I replied. Then I was grabbed and brought back to a standing position before she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. I hugged back just as tight.

After she let go I barely had time to register Jason in front of me. He swiftly picked me up in a hug so tight I swear my ribs creaked.

"Hey Jace" this only seemed to set him off further as he hugged tighter. "Tight" was all I could squeak out.

"Don't ever put yourself in danger like that again." His voice was quiet and held some pretty pent up feelings, at least from what I could tell.

"Alright" was all I could say before I hugged back. I didn't realize how much air I was missing till he set me down, and I took in a deep breath.

"So how long have I been out? A couple weeks? Maybe a month?" I asked.

They all looked between eachother.

Damien spoke up "try a year idiot" his voice still sounded relieved.

"Oh" was all I could manage.

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