Chapter 12: Cookies make everything better

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Bruce's POV:

Percy was an anomaly, even to me. Obviously I had looked her up the day I went up and got her. Dropped criminal charges, kidnapping, suspected terrorists, even long periods of disappearances. The whole package. So obviously I was suspicious of her.

But the girl in front of me, she didn't seem like the type to do any of that. Now don't get me wrong, I noticed her soldier-like behavior from waking up early, to her skills as a swordsman of which the boys described to me. She even earned a " moderately good" from Damien which was a feat within itself. Not to mention on the first night that judo flip which left a bruise on Jason's back.

But she has yet to do anything else that I raise an eyebrow to, so I decided to wipe her of suspicion.

I was now focused on her friends. They were a different case. Now matter how hard I looked I could only find the most minimal information, all of it coming from parents Facebook's about the normal fawning over your child, and the occasional police suspicion. One of them was said to have died a week before I got Percy.

I was determined to see if they were good enough people to hang out with Percy, I don't need a bunch of miscreants in my manor stirring up trouble.

I mean what kind of Uncle/ family member would I be if I let her hang out with the wrong crowd, lest I need her being influenced to be a villain.

"So are you ready for the gala tonight?" I asked to fill in the silence since she looked uncomfortable.

She groaned but nodded "just not very pumped to wear heels ya know?"

I nodded a small smile coming to my lips.

We continued to talk about the gala with her asking little questions about etiquette and such.

I informed her about her speech and she just nodded.

I had to admit she could hold an enjoyable conversation and soon we heard footsteps making their way down the stairs.

———-Percy POV:——-

Me and Bruce were having a nice conversation when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching, I turned to see the boys, of course they were messing around and fighting but they looked well rested. I was glad.

They all sat at their respective seats, Dick had sat next to me with Tim on my other side and on the opposite end were Jason and Damien who were currently trying to fling food at each other. Tim tried to get up to get some coffee but I quickly grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down. I handed him a cup of coffee just the way he liked it as I had seen him make his own cup so many times before. He smiled and thanked me before taking a long sip.

Once done he turned to me.

"Thanks, for last night and all" he seemed a bit embarrassed.

" Hey it's not biggie, just looking out for my brother."

That seemed to pause the conversations and the fights as they all looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry! if that was out of place or you don't feel the same I just-"

He stopped me by pulling me into a giant hug.

"HOW COME HE GETS THE BROTHER TITLE FIRST!?" Jason was practically fuming on the other side.

"Yeah!!" Dick said crossing his arms

I could tell Damien was also upset as he had looked away his face more scrunched up then usual.

"You're all my brothers you goofs!" I smiled, a real smile this time and giggled slightly.

This seemed to bring upon lots of smiles and conversations and I could feel my appetite coming back slowly, so I grabbed a cookie and bit into it. They were close in look but not the same as my mothers.

I could see the boys looking at the cookies in wonder before all grabbing one and eating it. Eventually they all had eaten about three before Bruce cut them off, telling everyone to go upstairs and get ready.

Off we all went to get dressed in our torture devices.

3rd person:

The boys had all been waiting downstairs for Percy who had claimed that it took longer for girls. They were all messing around, with Bruce just pinching the bridge of his nose in agitation.

Eventually they heard footsteps making their way down the hall and they looked to the top of the steps.

There Percy was in her dress, her hair was up in a half bun with the rest cascading down her back. To say she looked stunning would be an understatement. She stood there for a while, while they gawked at her before saying in agitation, "is anyone gonna help me down before I trip and die cause of these stupid shoes?"


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