Chapter 26: Interrogation

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The others stared at me in silence, we'd been here for about 5 minutes so far. No one's said a word besides from Wally who was muttering to himself, a look of disbelief on his face.

They were all trying to perceive that I was Percy Jackson. Well except Diana, she was chill.

"Guys?" I asked, at this point they had been standing there for a few more minutes, Artemis with open eyes, Wally mumbling incoherent sentences and Batman just glaring through my soul.

"Percy, lets talk, now" Batman said. The now was emphasized so I could tell he was angry.

I nodded "But Annabeth is coming with me, we are a package deal, and that is that" I replied a hint of amusement in my eyes.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose again before complying with a nod.

I smiled and put the mask back on before going into the Zeta tube with Annabeth in tow.

Upon arriving we split up from Wally and Artemis who were still in shock. We followed Batman into the conference room he oh so loved to use and sat down. He put his hands together in his lap.

"Percy... How long were you going to wait to reveal your identity to us, to me?" His voice had a hint of disbelief but was mainly anger.

I smiled sheepishly.

"She was probably going to wait until she found me because she knew you wouldn't allow her to do anything Mr. Wayne." Annabeth's voice was calm and I couldn't help but lean a bit more towards her. She did always have a way with convincing adults with her fancy words.

Bruce just grunted before looking back at me. "Were you going to alert us of your abilities? Not to mention you've stated you aren't a meta human, so what exactly do you derive your powers from?"

I nodded. "In due time, and I'm still technically not allowed to say anything yet, at least until I ask the...people of whom I work for!"

Annabeth elbowed me "What she means to say is that we can't give you that information as it is not our secret to tell, this seaweed brain here isn't working for some other diabolical company."

I smiled at the use of my old nickname. Gods,I missed her so much. I think I was staring because next thing I know Annabeth is giving me a small smile and Bruce just looked miserable.

"Have you told anyone about your identity yet?" He asked, this time I knew I had to answer properly.

I shook my head, "But Diana and Arthur already knew who I was prior to this so they recognized me on the spot."

He nodded. "How did you figure out who I was?" This seemed to spawn less from his anger at hiding my identity and more from insecurities. 

"Oh! I found out who Wally was the night I was taken, then it all started to fit into place once I found out who Artemis and Kaldur were." I said, the smile growing on my face, I was still proud I found that out.

Bruce nodded once again. "So I'm assuming you know Dick is nightwing, Damien is Robin, Tim is Red Robin, and Jason is Red Hood?"

I nodded.

"Annie, you'd be so proud of how quick I found out!" She smiled in reply before laying her head down on my shoulder.

Bruce sat down staring at us for a bit. I couldn't tell if he was angry about the identity thing or about me and Annie.

"So you two have been together and all the while at my house you've been secretly looking for her?" He asked hesitantly.

I nodded trying not to disturb Annabeth who had closed her eyes. "Yeah! you should totally see my closet!"

"Does she have anywhere to stay?"

Annabeth just replied, "I guess, but nowhere in the city, and if you think I'm leaving this kelphead another minute I'm gonna have to fight you."

Bruce seemed to think things over in his head for a minute before nodding.

"She can stay with us as long as no funny business happens." He looked between the two of us. I could tell his anger had started to dissolve away.

I smiled before hugging Annie tight.

"I promise!"

"Alright I'll have Alfred prepare her a room, and for you young lady, no more patrol until one those wounds are healed and two I can think of what to do with you."

I nodded and stood up, Annabeth following suit as I practically dragged her to the Zeta Tubes to leave back to Gotham.

------Time skip---------

We'd been walking for a while, the night air was cooling and relaxing, as well as a nice contrast to the warmth of Annabeth's hand.

We walked in comfortable silence as the sound of the city passed by. I led her through the streets till we eventually reached the manor.

Just as I had said when I first arrived a couple months ago, Annabeth loved the architecture and it was like music to my ears as we stood outside and she talked about all the fine details. Obsessing over the styles and letting me know where each originated from.

After a while she stopped and we walked inside, or well was let in by Alfred who guided us to an empty room across the hall from me. He gave his welcome and walked off.

I immediately dragged Annabeth to my room and we sat on my bed for a bit.

She had me show her my new scars and she did what Jason and my mother did, she traced her fingers over them, almost mapping them out in her mind.



The boys are gonna see Annie! I finally get to introduce them!




Oh no, I finally get to introduce them.

Annabeth's gonna tell them all of my most embarrassing moments...

I think Annabeth noticed my shift in moods as she looked up in a questioning manner.

"It's nothing just thinking about how I'm gonna introduce you to my new brothers." I answered before she could even ask.

She gave me a warm smile then kissed me on the cheek "I'm sure you'll think of something"

She went back to looking at my scars. At some point she had me lay on my stomach so she could see the ones on my back.

We started talking more about the camp and what had happened to it while she was gone, occasionally I'd slip in how Nico and Will were doing, or cute moments I witnessed of them while I was still at the camp as well as when we'd meet up.

Of course the moment had to be ruined because it was at this moment that...


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